Chapter 6

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Wait before I start I'm not over the gif from last chapter . I'm so surprised ya petty asses ain't comment on it. LMAO it's the second to last one when i said this is Ayesha talking shit bout miracle to Riley 😂😭😂 Anywhooo lets start.

I woke up and rolled over to an empty bed, the last thing I remember was me and Steven laying here cuddled up talking about our future. I grabbed the pillow with but stop in mid air when I noticed the glistening rock on my finger. That reminded me that last night was not a dream but it damn sure was a dream come true.

I got out of bed and unplugged my phone from the wall. Then headed to check on Riley , of course she was still sleeping so I cracked her door then headed downstairs. I leaned on the counter as I unlocked my phone and checked my messages

Steven Meven😂❤️: I hope I relieved a little stress last night. I didn't mean to leave so fast I just know we ain't tryna do the whole sleepover stuff until marriage and I respect that. I was so nervous to give you the Ring I didn't know how you would react but I'm happy I did and I can't wait until the day I make you my wife. I'll be at the restaurant in the morning but still call or text me when you wake up beautiful.

I smiled so hard as I read the message again and again. I dialed up his number and on the second ring he answered.

"GoodMorning babe , once again thank you for everything me and Riley enjoyed ourselves." I said as I cracked open some eggs and poured them in a bowl. I mixed some Lawrys , garlic powder , onion powder and a little bit of my mothers homemade seasoning. I grabbed the block of cheese out the fridge and threw some slices in the bowl also.

    "No problem , I'm happy I could do that it made me happy to see my girls happy." He said before he started giving orders to his staff in the background.

"I love when you say my girls, it makes me hum that old day song in my head."

   "Which one. ? The one that goes like what can make me feel this way ? My girls"  he sung to me I laughed and smiled as I poured the eggs onto the pan and started to cook them.

"Yes babe that one"

We talked for a little more then exchanged our goodbyes and hung up. When I finished making the eggs and toast I threw some bacon in the toaster oven then grabbed Riley and brought her to the kitchen island.

"Goodmorning mommy" she said as she sat in the chair and rubbed her eyes. I smiled and put a plate infront of her before I made mine.

"Goodmorning gorgeous , had a good sleep ?"

      "Yes but where is Steven Meven ? He told me we could have a sleepover."

"He couldn't stay he had to go to work. But he said he's going to come back." I said as I sat down next to her and we ate.

"Okay , is Steven my new dad ? "

"Why would you think that ?" I said to her as I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at her.

"That's what auntie said" she said as she continued eating not understanding how serious what she just said was.

I would never be that women who would force my child to call my boyfriend dad and I would never talk down about Steohen to her to make her think he doesn't love her. Cause Stephen is a phenomenal father and that is one thing no one can ever take from him.

"Auntie is ignorant and wrong, your father will always be your father not Steven. That's just my boyfriend he's not your father. You know your father loves you , you would never need to have a new father."

"Okay , so what are we doing today ?"

"Well actually I have an appointment so you are going to go to grandmas then I will get you after my appointment." I said remembering that I had to call Stephen. He was going to come to the appointment with me for the baby so I dialed him and brought my plate in the kitchen .

"Watch tv babe I have to make a phone call" I said as I turned on the kitchen tv then headed out to the living room.


"Babe your phone is ringing" Miracle mumbled into her pillow half asleep. I kept my eyes shut hoping who ever was calling would hang up. I was so tired and did not feel like getting up.

     I felt a pillow smack me in my head "pick up your phone and take it out the room im fucking tired " Miracle mumbled as she still laid down.

I sucked my teeth as I got up and took my phone out the room. I looked at it and saw it was Ayesha calling me I answered the phone

"Hello ?"

"Goodmorning Stephen "

"Morning Wassup Ayesha ?"

"Did you forget we had an appointment today ?"

"Oh shit it totally slipped my mind after practice yesterday "

"It's okay it lowkey slipped mine too" she laughed.

"Yeah it's at 8:00 right ? So basically in 30 minutes ?"

"Yeah I can meet you up there I just have to swing Riley to my moms "

"No I can pick you up and swing her over there with you." I said as I ran my hand over my head and went to the bathroom.

"Are you sure ?"

"Yeah I got you just send me your new address"

"Okay thank you so much see you in thirty minutes. " she said then we said goodbye and hung up. I began to brush my teeth quickly and wash my face before Miracle came in.

"Where you rushing to ?" She said as she sat on the toilet to pee

"Uh I have go with Ayesha to her appointment." I said looking in the mirror trying to not make eye contact with Miracle. I know this whole situation is killing her inside

"Yeah it's cool " She said as she flushed the toilet then came to wash her hands. She didn't make eye contact with me at all then she pushed past me and went back to lay down. I sighed and shook my head as I finished getting dressed.


"Hey thanks for doing this" Ayesha said as we got back in the car from dropping off Riley.

"Stop thanking me it's really no problem " I said as I smiled at her and we drove off onto the highway.

"So how is everything ? How did Miracle act when you told her" Ayesha said as she looked down at her nails.
"You know of course she is upset but she won't let me know that she wants me to think she is not mad and supportive, how did Steven react? "

"He was actually really supportive....How did you react ?" She said as she looked at me. I looked back and we connected for a second something we haven't done in a while. That type of connection you feel through your whole body where you can read each others minds.

"Honestly I was confused of course I still loved you and I didn't know what was going to happen. I just want everything to work out and be the best for us Ayesha honestly. I mean blended families can't be that bad"

"Right..." She said laughing. "Remember when you found out I was pregnant with Riley and you cried like a little girl. Did you feel that way this time ?"

"Yeah , most def... Mixed emotions I knew I had a crazy ass baby mother so I was scared." I said making us both laugh she playfully pushed my shoulder.

"No seriously it made me happy I believed we had hope for us again , I honestly did" I said as I stopped at the red light

"Yeah but we can't "


Quick filler !!! ❤️❤️ once again I love y'all comment vote & share 😝

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