Chapter 2

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   "No I don't have a boyfriend Kory."  Gabrielle said shyly.  Kory and Jessica were in shock.  The problem was she really wanted a boyfriend,but she was too shy around boys. She had a guy friend and he was a sweet heart. They were best friends. He was protective over her sometimes like her older brother. His name was Jordan. He had brown silk hair that was always combed it the left side. She liked him more than a friend, but she never had the guts to tell him. He is  attending Yale university.  

  "Do you at least have crush?" Jessica asked concerned. 

  " Yeah,but he's attending Yale," Gabrielle says sadly

 " What's is his name?" Kory asked.

  "Jordan Madison," Gabrielle replied. 

  "That's my big brother!" Kory says as her eyes get big. "You like my big brother?!" 

  "I-I had no idea he had a sister! He never mentioned that he had a sister," She says in shock. 

  " He never mentions me..." She says in disgust. 

  "That sucks.." She says. 

  "I get over it. I'm just in shock that your in love with my brother," Kory said.

  "That is soooooo CUTE!" Jessica said excited 

 Gabrielle smiled a tiny bit,but she wasn't as excited as Jessica and Kory were. She was sad and scared. 'What if he doesn't feel the same about me..' she thought to her self. That was until Kory's  phone rang. It was Jordan calling. Gabrielle's heart started to beat fast as Kory picked the phone up and talked to her brother. 

 "You won't believe who my roommates are! Gabrielle Jackson and Jessica Parker!" She says. 

 "Wait, did you say Gabrielle Jackson? May I speak with her?" Jordan asked. 

 "Of course!" Kory says handing the phone to Gabrielle. "He wants to speak to you Gabby," 

 "M-me?! W-why me?!" she asked nervously. Her heart pounded faster and faster she got really dizzy and almost fell. 

 "Whoa Gabby are you okay?!" Jessica said scared. 

" Look I'll put him on speaker calm down girl breathe."  Kory says putting him on speaker. "Yo Bro your on speaker Gabby almost passed out."

 "Hey Gabby! Calm down. How are you doing?" He asked.

 "A-alright. What about you? Also, how is Yale?" She asked shyly. 

" Oh I'm great and Yale is so cool! My friends are crazy and fun like me. I miss seeing my best friend around. Don't worry I get this week off,so I'll come by Thursday," He says through the phone. 

 "Oh that's perfect bro! That's when the Party is!" Kory says excited. 

Gabrielle was so scared and nervous she almost fell.  She couldn't feel her legs because of how numb they were. Everything around her began to get blurry and went black. Kory had just gotten of the phone with Jordan, when Gabrielle fainted. 

"OMG! She fainted! Jessica  get help I'm calling the 911!" Kory shouted as Jessica ran out the door screaming for help.  Kory called 911 and then her brother. "Jordan! Gabrielle fainted!" 

 "What?! Did you call 911?!" he scolded at her in shock. 

 "Yeah I did I told Jessica to get help to get her off the floor," She says crying. 

 "I'm getting a flight right now! I'll be there in an hour or so." He says ending the call and packing 5 sets of clothes. He told his roommates and his teacher. Jordan got a taxi and booked a flight. 

(1 hour later, In the hospital, 9:30 p.m.) 

 Gabrielle wakes up slightly in her hospital bed. She looked over to her right to see her doctor and a nurse talking. Then she looks to the left and sees her heart rate and breathing monitor. 

 "Ah, I see you woke up Miss. Jackson. You gave your friends quite a fright," The doctor said to her. 

 "What happened? All I remember is fainting after knowing my old friend was coming to see me on Thursday..." She asked looking at the doctor who was heading to the door. 

 "Well, your friends said you almost fell when you going to talk on the phone," He says putting his hand on the handle. "Also, your friends are here. Do you want to see them?" he asked. 

 "Yes, of course," she answered. 

 The doctor opened the door and Kory, Jessica and Jordan walked in. When Gabrielle saw Jordan her heart started to race it came up on the monitor. "Gabrielle calm down breathe," Kory said to her. 

"It's okay Gabby,"Jessica said to her holding her hand. 

"Gabrielle calm down please," Jordan said calmly as he kneeled down next to her. Gabrielle cried and hugged him tightly. He smiled and hugged back. "Shush it's okay," He says softly. She was warm and comfortable. She love the feeling of his hands around her and she loved the feeling of him holding her. 

 "I-I missed much......." She says sniffling holding him. He stroked her long brown hair. 

 "I missed you too Gabrielle," he says. 

 She enjoyed him holding her and stroking her hair. It comfort her. The only problem is can she tell him how she felt about him?

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