Chapter 17 - Stategizing

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Sorry that the past few chapters, including this one, are on the shorter side. Enjoy!


Bella's POV

     We all sat in our living room. Cullens on one side, the wolf pack on the other, and the tension in the room was heavy. Jacob, I noticed, had his head in his hands not looking at anyone. Leah had been the one to tell me what was wrong and now we were discussing what to do. I felt really bad for him. I just wish I could help him in some way.

     "I think we have to come up with the best plan possible in order to get Hayley back and keep all of us safe," Carlisle stated calmly. "They have more numbers then they did before so we need to be ready to fight," Sam replied rubbing the back of his neck. Sam seemed as if he was distracted which was understandable because Hayley was his niece. "Uhh, let's just go kill them already," Jacob suddenly bursted, standing and throwing his hands in the air. "I'm with him," Emmett said with a smirk from his seat on the arm of the couch. "We cannot just go in unprepared," Carlisle said standing next to the couch, arms crossed. "He's right Jacob, calm down," Sam exclaimed, eyeing him.

      Jacob was pacing now, his hands behind his head. I just watched. I knew how much he cared about Hayley and I couldn't imagine something happening like that to Edward. I caught Jasper's eye and nodded to Jacob. Jasper understood and concentrated on giving Jacob a calm feeling. "Stop feeding me emotions leech," Jacob yelled facing Jasper. We all stayed silent. "We are wasting time! They could kill her anytime while we wait here and do nothing," Jacob continued to yell, surprising me. Sam stood up to confront him but Alice cut in. "She's still alive Jacob. I don't see them killing her for now," she stated trying to avoid an unavoidable conflict. Jake didn't seem to pay her a bit of attention. "Sit down Jacob, you're only making this worse," Sam commanded as the leader of the pack. "She's your niece and you seem to have no urgency! It'd be different if it was Emily instead," Jacob snarled, beginning to shake. I could see that Sam was getting angrier and Jasper was getting overwhelmed. "Jake, let's go outside so you can catch a breath," I say standing up quickly. Edward grabbed my hand in warning. "I'll be fine," I say turning to him. He reluctantly let go as I go to pull Jacob to the front door. He brushed me off easily and stormed outside. I followed slowly, closing the door behind me.

     "Jacob, can you please relax a little?" I ask standing at the top of the stairs, watching Jacob walk back anf forth in the yard with his fists clenched. "How can I Bella? We are sitting here doing nothing while those damn leeches do who knows what to Hayley!" he continued to yell shaking harder. I didn't move from my position and tried to keep a calm composure for his sake. "Carlisle and Sam are right though. We need to have a plan going in so no one will get killed. They are just looking out for us," I reasoned. "I know," Jacob replied seeming to calm down a little as the realization set in. He walked over to the steps and sits down, sighing deeply.

     I walk down and sit next to him. "I know you're upset and I would be too if it was Edward in Hayley's place but we know their general location because of Alice's vision and their smell. We will get her back and then you can grow old together," I say, placing a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. "I hope you're right Bella. I just need her back with me. I'll go through that whole coven of vampires to see that it happens. I love her Bella," Jacob exclaims glancing over at me. I smle at him encouragingly.

     We sat there on the steps in silence for a few moments hearing only the murmur of the voices inside. After a few minutes the front door opened, streaming light into the darkness. Jacob and I turned to face the doorway, seeing the pack members and the rest of my family file out onto the porch. We stood as they cam down the stairs. "Time to go," Carlisle spoke softly. That was all it took. Jacob changed in mid-run toward the woods. The rest followed suit. "I'll tell you the plan on the way," Edward said appearing beside me and taking my hand as we began to run after the pack. I heard a rather irritated undertone to his voice. "What's wrong?" I asked lightly, knowing he could hear me. "We are sending someone to sneak in and retrieve Hayley," Edward replied. "Who?" I questioned again. He hesitated for a moment then replied, "You." I took a deep breath knowing he was worried about my safety but long ago Jacob had been there in my time of need and now I was going to do this for him, no matter what the danger.

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