40 Fashion Show

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I am yours.

   I am yours as the stars belong to the sky

and I am yours as

    the river belong to the sea

I am yours as your tears belong to your eyes

      and I am yours

as your lungs belong to the pattern in which

     you breathe.

~Christopher Poindexter 


Alexia stood up and feigned surprise as she saw Darius along with Stacey strolling from the elevator towards her cabin. She widened her eyes o purpose and cupped her mouth with her hands.

"Look who finally decided to come here!" Alexia exclaimed dramatically, pointing at Stacey who rolled her eyes playfully at her.

"What? I was busy but if it helps you then I have been doing work from my laptop." Stacey informed, dangling her laptop bag proudly.

"I know that but we all missed you so much. It gets boring and lifeless here without you or that oh so lovely team of yours."

"Well, I missed you all too and this place as well. I am dying to work in the designing room again but why do you say the absence of my team? As far as I know, I do not think any of them has taken a day off."

"Nope, they did not but yesterday, Mr. Brooks here, gave everyone a day off whilst I had to arrange something for the show. I worked for two hours but those were so hard to get through."

"He gave a day off?" Stacey stared at Darius with raised brows, questioning him with her eyes.

"Yes, he did that though it was the first time." Alexia excused herself as her phone went off.

"You really did that, like really?"

I that so hard to believe?" Darius frowned at Stacey.

"Come on Darius, we all know no matter what your staff has to work Sundays when the shows are around the corner."

"Whatever. I just felt like everyone should get sometime to spend with their family like we did." Darius shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly but Stacey's eyes lit up as a grin formed on her face.

Stacey inched closer to him. "Thank you for being so thoughtful. Believe me they really appreciate your kind act."

"I don't think so. On the contrary, they believe me to be Satan incarnated." Darius spoke coldly.

Stacey entwined her hand with his, rubbing her thumb over his knuckles, saying, "They don't Darius. As your employers they respect you, I just know that."

"If you say so." Darius smiled at her and asked, "Shall we start with our work now?"

"Sure but before that why did you ask Alexia to work yesterday when everyone was off the hook?"

"He did not. I just wanted to thank him in some way and I thought nothing would be better than lessening his burden. Thank you, Mr. Brooks."

"You don't have to thank me. You are one of the most hard-working and dedicated employer of the corporation so it was just a small gift for your loyalty, Mrs. Pinto."

"Hold on, hold on." Stacey looked in between Alexia and Darius, saying, "Can anyone enlighten me about this gift?"

"I just ar-"

Light In Darkness {Second book in the series of Eternal Love}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora