They swam around the pool and had a splash war. They are dunking each other.  Austin just dunked her and she came back up but he knew something was wrong.

Ally’s Pov…

Austin just dunked me but when I came up I felt like something wasn’t right. After a second I knew what it was, my top somehow got untied. Oh no, it is trying to come off.

Austin’s Pov…

I look at her confused and I see her staring at me shocked. I see her top coming up. Next thing I know the top is gone.  I look down and see something I haven’t seen in awhile. Wow, I thought Ally was getting fat. That is far from the truth. Her weight has all went to her boobs. Could I have been more wrong? She is still as thin as before Aubrey the only weight she has on her is she got boobs and let me tell you I can’t turn away from them.

Ally’s tries to get away but I grab her wrist and pull her toward me. Grabbing her waist I hold her close, “Ally, I couldn’t have been more wrong. You are still that beautiful sexy girl I fell in love with. I loved your body before but now I am in heaven.” She blushes and looks down, “Quit the pickup lines.” I grab her chin so she can look at me, “Ally, I am not joking or trying anything on you.”  I can tell she don’t believe me, “Ally, I have loved you from the movement I first saw you. You looked so beautiful in your skinny jeans and floral top. I wanted to know who this girl was. I was stupid but I got you attention.  I tried everything from that moment to get to know you. When we became friends I didn’t think it could get any better. When I developed feeling for you I knew you wouldn’t feel the same so I hid them. Ally I got to the point where I dreamed about you being my girlfriend. And yes being a guy I dreamed about your body too.  When you said yes to being my girlfriend you made me so happy. Then when you said you would marry me I thought it was not possible for someone to be this happy. I felt like it was unfair how happy I was. When we made love, it was the best night of my life because I lost it to you and you to me. My first time was with you the love of my life. Every time since has been just as amazing and they are some of my best memories. Then when Aubrey came I knew this between us was too good to be true. I knew I couldn’t have all this and be this happy. It wasn’t possible. I started to screw up because I figured if you dumped me you would be happier and you wouldn’t be settling for me just because I got you pregnant.” I take a deep breath and look her dead in the eyes so she knows I am not lying. “ Ally, I saw how good of a mom you are and I knew that even with Aubrey any guy would sweep you up in a heartbeat. You are too good a person to not want.  I love you and you were always so beautiful that I couldn’t control what I did around you. You are just as beautiful but you glow any more angel. You are getting prettier and prettier.  Ally the worst mistake I ever made was being a jerk to you and leaving. It killed me but I thought you would be happier. I can’t go through with it though baby. I just can’t. I can’t stand the fact that someone else would have you. “I stop talking because I am starting to get a little choked up. I have never let all my emotions out like this. I have my head in her neck. I feel her pull away and look me in the eyes.

She looks up at me and smiles with tears running down her cheeks, she then crashes her lips to mine and I am shocked. After a couple seconds I kiss back and soon we are making out. Pulling away for air I smile. “Are you sure?” She nods and goes under the water to take my boxers off and I pull her bottoms down.  When she is back up I look her dead in the eyes and see nothing but lust, “Ally, are we even allowed to do this?” Shrugging she smiles, “I really don’t know or care. I just want you right now.”  Not wasting another minute I give her want she wants.

After showering and getting dressed we are sitting on the couch wrapped up together. “Austin?” I kiss her head, “yes baby?” she turns so she can look me in the eyes, “Did you mean what you said out there?” I nod, “Ally, I could have said more but I couldn’t. I was starting to choke up just thinking about not having you near me.” She nods and turns back to the fireplace.  Yes we have the fireplace on in August, who cares. “Austin, I loved everything you said. It made me cry. I have never heard you so sweet and open. I never knew you felt like that about me and Aubrey. I honestly thought you were starting to hate us. But…” I look down, “I hate that word.” I pull away but she grabs my hand so I stare at her, “Austin it’s not like that. I feel the same way but, you did hurt me and I think we should stay apart for a little bit. You can move back in if you want but I feel us dating right now is not a good think. I want my friend back first.” I look down but I am mad that she feels this way.

“What just happened between us didn’t mean anything to you?!” She shakes her head, “Austin you know that is not true. I just think we got caught up in the moment.” I shake my head and laugh standing up, “Ally, I can’t forget about any of it if that is what you want. I felt something an hour ago, I thought you did too. I guess I was wrong.” She stands up and puts her hand on my arm, “Austin, I don’t want to forget either. It did mean something, it really did.  I just want my friend right now.” I Shake my head, “Ally, I want my friend back too but I also want my girlfriend and love of my life. I spilt my guts out there and you are shutting all the progress away.” She looks down, “Austin, I am sorry. I appreciate the truth. Maybe soon we can be back together.” I laugh, “Ally… Maybe it is just too late to love right now… I need to go. I am sorry.” I am heading to the door when I feel someone hugging me tightly. “Don’t leave me. I need you here. I want you here. Please, at least finish the week here. “I turn in her arms and sigh deeply seeing the tears running down her cheeks, “Let’s go.” I pick her up and take her to bed. Getting into the other side I stay on my side. “I love you Austin.” I sigh and can feel my heart breaking, “Night Ally.”  

I am sorry for the last updates, they were from my phone while I was stuck at school. I am sorry for not updating in a little bit. I made this one kind of long and tried to pack in a lot of good stuff. I am having a hard time writing out how I see this story in my head.
I hope it is going okay.
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