Chapter Six

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*Katies P.O.V*

I'd been standing here for what seemed like forever with a bottle of wine I don't remember purchasing when I'm disturbed by a figure in front of me. I half wanted it to be Gary to be quite honest, but disappointingly in was Jen.

"Ugh, what do you want?" I asked her with plenty of bitterness in my voice.

"You don't even see it do you? You're so ungrateful, you've got the most perfect man trying to get you, but you won't take it. He doesn't deserve you and you certainly don't deserve him, you cow" she basically spat the last word at me.

"Alright there gorgeous, this young lady isn't giving you any trouble is she?" It was the man who I was going to try and get, back in the club.

"Well actually..." I said taking another sip of wine out the bottle. Whoops it was all gone. "She is actually" I realised I had begun starting to slur my words.

"Well, you come with me beautiful, I'll make you feel better, here have this coke" he said offering me a drink of coke.

"Thank you very much" I replied then taking a drink of it as he put his arm around my shoulders.

"UGH" I heard Jen scream as she walked away.

"Want to come back to mine darling?" He asked and winked at the same time. "My names Thomas by the way, but you can call me Tom."

"Well hello Tom, and yes I would love to come back to yours. I'm Katie" what was I saying, what was I doing, my drunk brain was going in to overload.

"There she is!" I heard a familiar voice call, ugh Lauren. I pushed Toms arm from off my shoulder and turned round. Of course she was accompanied by Gary.

"WHAT. What do you two want from me now?" I half slurred, half attempted to shout.

"Katie, please talk to Gary, he's told me everything, I really think you should give him a chance."

"Oh. He's told you everything has he, like the way I turned to self harm and nearly commuted suicide when he left, or how I got majorly physically and verbally abused at school when he left, or how both my parents abandoned me because they couldn't deal with a fucked up child like when, oh when, yes when he left. No, of course he didn't because he stopped contacting me. Now, in going back to Toms house with Tom, it's just urm, urm. Where is it again?" I questioned him.

"Just out of the city, you know that massive house about 10 miles away, yeah that house." Oh he must be rich.

"Katie, are you seriously going to go to someone's house you've known for all of five minutes" Gary then questioned me me.

"What is it tonight, twenty questions? Yes I am, because like you said Gary 'it only takes a minute.' Now come on Tom, lets go." He smiled quite creepily if I'm honest.

"Of course babe" he said unlocking his car and opening the door for me. "

"Ahhh a true gentleman" I slurred and took another sip of my coke. I clambered in to the car and saw Tom mouth something to Lauren and Gary but I couldn't quite make out what, when he opened his door to get in all I heard was Gary scream.

"KATIE DON'T GO WITH HIM" Tom locked the doors and quickly drove away, I then took another sip of my drink and finished it off, I quietly fell in to a sleep and dropped the bottle.

*Laurens P.O.V*

"There's nothing you can do for her now, that coke was spiked, I'm going to take her back to mine a rape her and you can't stop me." this Tom was a sick bastard, I didn't know what to do, why is this happening. I couldn't help but start crying.

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