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I was shelving books when I heard the bell on the door ring. I turned to see no one in the bookstore. I shrugged it off and went back to doing what I was doing.

"AHH!" I jumped hearing a girl shout.

I turned to see Storm my best friend laughing. I throw a book at her.

"You could have gave me a heart attack." I took a deep breath.

"Sorry." She laughed. "But you should have seen how high you jumped."

I rolled my eyes and picked up the book. My family owns this bookstore. It will soon be mine when my mom passes. I'm only nineteen, she is still healthy so I'm not rushing her into the grave. I love my mom. I love her so much that I'm still living with her. After my father was murdered I stayed with her. I didn't want her to feel lonely. My mom is still not over it. She may say she is, but I hear her cries every night. My dad was murdered a year ago. He went hiking with some friends and never came back. I cried myself to sleep that night in mom's bed.  

"Finish up so we can go walking around this small town." Storm laughed.

The town we live in is well populated. It's a beautiful town. 

"Well help me and then I'll lock up." I grabbed another book putting it on the shelf.

We finished around noon time, I locked up and we went to get something to eat. We walked into this food shop. It has everything. You name it, they make it but me being me I just asked for a sub and Pepsi.

"Hey sexy." The towns fuck boy walked up to me.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my food and drink. He followed me and Storm to our seats. 

He can't be serious. I thought to myself.

"Jojo, listen. I know I've done some bad shit but I promise. My heart belongs to you." He smiled showing off his dimples.

"Only in your dreams, now leave me be." I snapped.

"I'm not giving up on us." He stood.

"There is no us." I rolled my eyes.

"There will be if you could just stop being a insecure little bitch." He clinched his jaw shut with frustration. 

I slapped him square across his face making Storm gasp. Everyone stared at me. My eyes flaring with anger.

"You'll pay for that." He spat.

"I'll be waiting." I shouted as he walked out the food shop. "What?" I snapped at everyone who was staring.

"You know when you get mad or scared your eyes turn green." She chewed.

"Yeah, and when I get sad they turn brown." I sipped my drink, my eyes are a green-brown color. A mixture of my parents eye color.

The sheriff of the town walked in. He turned and walked over to me and Storm. He stood with this arms crossed.

"Care to explain why my brother wants to kill you?" He asked.

"He deserved it." I smiled.

He nodded and took a seat next to me. I rolled my eyes. I didn't know if I was in trouble or not but I didn't like him being this close to me. I felt his hand on my thigh. My heart quickened as my eyes widen. My voice was stuck in my throat. This can't be happening.

"Jordyn, we should get going." Storm stood.

Thank God I wasn't in a booth seat next to the window. I stood leaving my unfinished food behind. I ran after that. Storm followed me. Once I was close to my house Storm pulled me into her arms. She held me and rubbed my back.

"What happened." Her voice cracked.

"H-he touched me." I cried.

"I'm going to kill him, I don't know how but I'm going to kill him." Her voice was hard with promise written in it. "I'm staying with you tonight."

I nodded and smiled. We walked to my house. It was small yet big. A smoky grey color. The back yard was surrounded by woods. I walked in to see my mom talking on the phone. She looked up at me and smiled. I smiled and went to my room. I just painted my walls a dove color. Storm's mouth fell open. 

"I love this color." She touched my walls.

I went to the window were I got a good view of the back woods. I saw a outline shadow of a men. His locked with mine. He walked back farther into the darkness of the woods. I shook it off and went to my bed, flopping down.

"Do you believe in werewolves?" Storm asked looking at the tv.

She was watching Teen Wolf. Stiles is freaking sexy. He's bae.

"Hello? Do you believe?" She asked.

"Yeah, kinda. I believe in anything until it's proven fake." I mumbled feeling a wave of sleepiness come over me.

I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep. I woke up to be tangled with Storm, She was cuddling me close. I smiled and untangled myself. I went down stairs and got myself a bowl a grapes and ice water. I heard a growl and looked out the kitchen window. I gasped and stepped back. Brown glowing eyes were staring right at me. I wanted to scream but nothing came out. The eyes softened and then they were gone. I ran back upstairs with my bowl of grapes and drink. That couldn't be a wolf. Do we even have wolves in this town?

"JO!" I heard my name being called, more like shouting right in my ear.

I hit someone with my pillow. There was a groan and the word bitch. I opened my eyes to see Storm standing next to me. I laughed and she jumped on me. I frowned and looked around the room. I didn't see a bowl or a cup. Was it dream? 

"Time to get up, mom says that you're in charge of the book store while she goes out of town for a few hours." Storm said as she laid on me.

I groaned and rolled over to that I was laying on her. She laughed and wrapped her arms around me. Storm has been my best friend ever since second grade. We're the same age but I'm older than her by a few days. We sometime celebrate our birthdays together. I got up and got dressed in a flower crop top, ripped black skinny jeans with black vans. Storm braided my hair into a fish tail braid to the side. I did the same with her hair. She dressed in the same way as me but her crop top was galaxy. We applied light make up and went off to the bookstore. We walked because it wasn't far from the house. I unlocked the door and we got everything set up. People came and went. I was reading a book when I heard laughter. A group of teenage boys walked in.

"Hey cutie." One winked at me.

They are in the wrong place, I think..wait I know those boys don't know how to read. I laughed and returned back to my book.

First chapter is up and many more to come. I hope you guys enjoy this.

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