Hajimes chest size

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Nagito: Guys I found something very hope including!

Fuyuhiko: What the hell is it this time yah dam bastard?

Nagito: Hajime's chest is 91 cm!!!

Akane: Dam that's big!!!

Teruteru: Coming from akane that means something! Me too! *wink*

Hiyoko: Shut the hell up teruteru with your tic tac down there.


Hiyoko: Boy you have a raisin!

Souda: ;-;

Sonia: What do you mean tic tac and raisin?

Twogami: It's better if you didn't know.

Hajime: Nagito how the hell did you find my chest size?!

Nagito: I was curious so I snuck into your room and measured!

Hajime: You broke in?!

Nagito: Nope! You leave your door unlocked a lot!

Mikan: You really d-do

Hajime: ..........

Nanami: I think your bigger then me

Monomi: My my this is.... One strange field trip.

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