Leorio nodded, helping him stand up. He then helped him put his shirt and robe on. "I sorta told Luca you were sick, so we need to cover that." He refereed to his sealed up stomach that was also bandaged.

Kurapika nodded. "Alright."

The married couple walked out of the bathroom together, walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. Luca smiled brightly as he saw his father, running to him and hugging his leg. "Papi Pika!"

"I'm sorry...I'm always getting sick..." Kurapika played it off, then picking him up. "I'm sorry I missed most your birthday..." he said, looking into his son's eyes that resembled his own. Luca smiled, giggling and grabbing Kurapika's cheeks. "Papi Pika, Papi Pika!" He repeated, excited to see his blonde father.

Kurapika sat down in a chair and smiled, looking at his dirty clothes. "What happened?"

"Gon! Kill!" Luca said, pointing his little finger over to the teens who were whistling and scratching the back of their heads.

"We were having a food fight! It was really fun!" Gon said.

"Well, if Luca enjoyed it, I appreciate you two watching him. Now I get to change him into another outfit." Kurapika looked at Leorio with a chuckle.

Leorio sighed loudly, but then spoke up. "You thought I was bad wiping my hunter license out years ago! He comes home with four or five bags of baby clothes. Our children have more clothes than we do."

Gon and Killua laughed, Leorio, Kurapika and Luca also laughing. Kurapika grabbed an outfit from the suitcase, about to go change Luca upstairs. Then Gon shouted something.

"You guys should sleep over! Stay at Whale Island for another day!" Gon said.

Luca got excited, clapping his hands together. "Yay! Yay!" The boy said and giggled.

"Leorio? What do you think?" Kurapika asked his husband.

"That's fine with me. We have no clothes, but Luca sounds like he's into it." Leorio smiled.

"Check again Leorio." Kurapika said before walking up the stairs and into the bathroom to change Luca into pajamas.

Leorio raised an eyebrow and walked to the suitcase, opening it. "How did you put our t-shirts in there without me noticing?!"

"I'm smart and quick!" Kurapika simply answered in a loud enough voice for his husband to see him, looking at Luca. "I do a good job shopping clothes." He patted his head.

Gon looked over at Leorio's necklace, remembering something. "I almost forgot!" The teen yelled, running up the stairs to his room and putting on his choker that spelled out Killua that he received for his birthday two months ago by Killua. Grabbing his gift, the back and green haired teen ran back down stairs, handing him the box. "I got you the other half!"

"I'm suppose to open it, Baka! Why would you tell me?" Killua said, opening the present and then taking the choker out that spelled out Gon. "But I'm glad you got it." He said, putting it on.

Kurapika walked down the stairs and stood next to Leorio, smiling at the couple. Gon and Killua looked around, made sure Ging wasn't anywhere nearby. The two then kissed on the lips for a moment, chuckling when they pulled away.

"L...Lo..." Luca tried to say the word that he heard his parents say a lot. "Lo...Lo ve...?"

The four then laughed that Luca made the assumption of Gon and Killua dating. Hearing him try to save love was hilarious and adorable.

Gon nodded. "Yes. Love." He smiled.

Killua's face turned bright red. "You're telling a child that we do but not even your father..." he mumbled.

"It's harder to talk to Ging about that stuff!" Gon yelled, then sighed.

"It's getting late. Luca should probably get to bed. You too Leorio. You did a lot. I just got my rest so I'll wait for Leo to wake up." Kurapika said. 

"Are you sure?" Leorio asked as he picked up his son, then him and Luca yawning simultaneously. 

"Yes. You're both tired anyways." Kurapika smiled, walking over to the bassinet.

"Alright. We'll see you soon." Leorio said, looking at Gon. "Where are we going to sleep?"

"Mito-San is getting some clean sheets, so you can sleep in my room!" Gon said, walking upstairs to his room and Killua and Leorio following.

Killua laid back on Gon's bed, yawning. "It's been such a long and great day. I'm glad I'm here and not home to see my crazy mother." He sighed.

Gon laid down next to him, wrapping his arms around him. "You can always have a good time here." He smiled.

Mito came in the bedroom with clean bed sheets, spreading them out on the floor and then putting down a blanket. "There you go, goodnight Leorio, Luca."

"Good night Mito. Thank you." Leorio smiled, Luca waving. "Bye bye." The boy said with a giggle.

Mito waved and left the bedroom. Luca laid down on the bed sheet, pulling some of the blanket on him and falling asleep. Leorio kissed his forehead and left the room, going back down stairs to grab his 'Kurapika is mine' T-shirt. The doctor walked behind Kurapika, hugging him from behind as he cradled the noise making baby Leo.

"Why aren't you asleep?" Kurapika asked, looking at him with a small smiled, continuing to cradle Leo.

"I needed to grab my shirt. But I figured I say goodnight." Leorio gave him a small kiss on the lips. "I love you."

Kurapika returned the small kiss and smiled, nodding. "I love you too."

Leorio tickled Leo's belly before kissing his forehead changing his shirt and walking upstairs. He laid down on the bed sheets, instantly falling asleep next to his son, keeping him close to him.

As the two slept, the teenagers were up kissing. Ging came home later in the night, peaking his head in the door. "Why are you two in the same bed?"

"No reason, Ging!" Gon said, scratching the back of his head. "Killua, " he threw some cash on the bed. "Buy whatever you want. Happy birthday. And give this to Leorio." He threw another sack of cash. "I'm leaving again. "

"Bye Ging!" Gon said, then sighing loudly. "That is why I cannot tell him." He crossed his arms.

"Yeah I know." Killua said, putting the money in his pocket and throwing down the money onto the bed sheets.

The two teenagers later fell asleep, Kurapika staying up all night since he already got hours of rest. He stayed up with Leo, trying to keep his baby noises low so no one would wake up

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