He sat beside me and memories flashed in my mind. I remembered the day when we were late for school because of the mob of paparazzi who came after me. He saved me from them and because of that I discovered that he's really not that bad after all. He cared for me in his own simple ways and I knew that he did it sincerely.

"What was that for?" He asked calmly but I knew that he was already angry.

"I told her the truth, that you still love her." He now looked at me and he already revealed his anger.

"I never told you that! And I never said anything about her being sweet and kind." I let out an insolent laugh which caused him to furrow his eyebrows.

"I know but that's what your actions tell, Cedrick. Just be honest with yourself okay." I stood up and I was about to leave but he said something which made me stop.

"I didn't tell you that because I don't want you to be hurt, Sarah. I know that it's unbelievable but with the time I spent with you, I discovered that you're someone who is unique and special. You're already important to me and who knows that I might actually fall for someone like you. Someone who isn't really my type but proved to me that she's worth it." I returned my glance at him and he wasn't showing any signs of humor, everything was sincere and honest but I know it was impossible because the girl that he loves is Roxanne and no one can replace her even me.

"The letter, aren't you asking me how I found it?" I asked to change the topic.

"I already knew that you found it before because you clumsily inserted it between wrong pages. Next time, if you're going to sneak on your husband's personal life again, try to be more careful. If possible, just hire a detective so that you wouldn't be caught redhanded." He smirked and we that, he left. My heart skipped a beat and my cheeks reddened when he said 'husband'. I know that was the obvious fact but I can't resist to be happy when it came from his mouth. I didn't know what he was up to but I might as well enjoy every moment that he's with me because soon, he'll return to Roxanne and leave me alone.

* * *

I went to my second class because my first class was already over by the time I returned to the classroom.

Mr. Andrews gave me a disapproving look then he retreated. Tina ignored me like what I did to her awhile ago and I felt guilty because of that.

I ran after her and begged for her forgiveness but she just acted obliviously. She finally gave up when I said that I'll treat her for lunch and she didn't ask me the reason why I left which was relieving.

Like what I said, I went to my second class and I sat at the back of the room. I saw that Roxanne was already in front and she motioned me to sit beside her. Mindlessly, I obeyed her and sat on the vacant seat she allotted for me.

"I'm sorry for what happened awhile ago. I didn't mean to, I swear."

"Like I said, it's okay. Don't worry, I didn't take it against you." I answered.

The class went on and I didn't give any attention to what the teacher lectured about forces and stuff. I only thought about why was Roxanne acting so kind because she should be mad at me for being a disruption to their relationship.

I was lost in my thoughts until the bell finally rang. Everyone exited the room including Roxanne and I. We were silent for awhile until she finally talked.

"Do you want to join Cedrick and I for lunch?" My eyes widened when I heard that they'll be having lunch together. She must noticed my reaction because she told me that she and Cedrick's group were also friends. I remembered that both of them belonged to the popular crowd which meant that it was normal for them to hang out together.

The Princess Within MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon