Derek Hale - New Guy?

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This is an AU, enjoy Derek in this One Shot yay!!!

Screw school. Screw work. Screw everything. Today was the first day back into school, I am a senior. Joy. Still have to deal with this hell hole though. I trudge my feet through the school halls looking for my best friend. Maybe she ditched, maybe I should've ditched? I reach my locker giving up on trying to find her as I get my books and slide down against my locker, sitting on the floor. I see Y/f/n walking over towards me, my mood brightens.
"Hey, Y/f/n! I thought you weren't going to show for a second there." "I was contemplating the idea." "Well it's a good thing you didn't. Hey, by any chance did you do that book report thing over summer break?" "Yeah...oh gosh. Don't worry, I printed you one out on the Internet." "Thank gosh, I'm so glad that you're my best friend." "Yeah, yeah." Y/f/n, says sarcastically.


"That's the bell, we better get going." I say. "Okay, c'mon then." We get our stuff and head upstairs to our first block. Y/f/n sits beside me so we can chat, pass notes, give each other faces and anything else to make the time pass. We do our work always but we get bored easily. As everyone starts up a commotion about this being their last year and seeing their friends again, things start to get loud. Until an ear piercing whistle anoints everyone's attention to the teacher. "Okay, finally you hooligans hear me. I know it's exciting, this being your last year and all. On top of that being able to see your friends again, but there is still work to be done." I sigh loud enough for the teacher to hear and give Y/f/n an angry look, she just raised her eyebrows and shrugs her shoulders at me. "Y/n Y/l/n come to the office, please." Everyone stares in my direction including Y/f/n. I squint my eyes at her/him playfully before the teacher excuses me to leave the classroom. I walk back downstairs and head towards the office.
I knock a little awkwardly on the door and I hear a male voice, "Come in." I walk into the office and a lady sitting in the front behind a desk smiles at me and gestures to the room to the left. I nod my head and walk in to find Mr. Nickels at an end of a table and a boy looking about my age, handsome looking, dark black hair and a scruffy look. I avert my eyes from him and to the principal, "Mr. Nickels, you called me down?" "Yes, Ms. L/n I need you to show Derek Hale around the school. He's a transfer from California he went to Beacon Hills High School. He'll be doing his last year as a senior, here." Mr. Nickels informed me. I let my eyes slide over Derek's eyes and I could feel my heart skip a beat. He smiled at me, a genuine smile. "Alright, will do." "Oh, and I'll arrange it to where Derek has his first and last block with you. Just in case." "Alright, well let's get going then shall we?" I say a little more awkwardly but say also jokingly. Derek stands up as does Mr. Nickels, "We shall." Derek says in a nice deep tone of a voice. I bite my lip involuntary, "Thank you Ms. L/n." Mr. Nickels tells me. "No problem. Let's go Hale."

Derek Hale and I walk out of the office together, showing him around meant I got out of class. Take forever. "Okay so this is the Guidance Counselors Office..." I say trailing off as I take him up the nearby steps, that way we could just do a circle around the school. He follows me, as we continue to walk I decide to attempt to make small talk with him. "So, how come you came here? This is like in the middle of nowhere...." I smile at him, he chuckles, you're doing good. Keep it up. "Well I was just told I would like it here by a couple of friends." "Oh, well I went to California before school started. Actually the day before school started I came back home. I don't think I'll go back, or if I do I'm staying away from the woods. I was just walking around, enjoying the stars and stuff when I heard a rustle. Next thing I know some rogue wolf bit me." Derek for some reason looked up at this, as if a light bulb had went off in his head. He stopped as we got to the water fountain upstairs, "Would you mind if I could see the bite wound?" He asked looking at me a bit frantically, besides how could I deny that face? "Uh, sure it happened on my side. It knocked me down and just bite me and ran off after I kicked it in the face." I lifted my shirt a bit and showed the bandage around my waist, I took off the medical tape and peeled off the cloth. "See?" I looked at him, to see his eyes wide. "It's not that bad." I looked down at my wound to find that there was no wound to be seen. "Oh! I swear it was there yesterday." I tell him looking up at Derek. Derek just looks around, "Alright so, where were we at in the tour of this school?" I dismiss the previous situation, he probably thought I was insane.

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