PART 5- Abducted

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Bailey's P.O.V.

I realised what Vicky had done. All those numerous calls was an invite to my house for a party! The nerve of that girl! Vicky dragged me upstairs to my bedroom and locked the door. She then pulled out one of my dresses which I sworn never to wear as I hated wearing dresses. She then pulled out a curling iron, bobbi pins and hair spray out of her bag.

Being too lazy to rebud, I let her dress me up(whole outfit on top) as if I were her Barbie doll. It didn't take long for her to work her magic of style and left the room bringing me along with her. When we both reached downstairs, I excused myself to the backyard where there were lesser people.

Then, someone gripped onto me covering my mouth with a cloth. I tried hard not to inhale and pass out and tried to escape but his/her grip was too strong. It was amazing no one saw a grown girl getting kidnapped by some psychopath. To no avail, I blacked out.

Calum's P.O.V. (finally)

I gently but quickly dragged Bailey to the car. With the help of the tinted glass in the car, I tied Bailey's hands and ankles, used a bandana to cover her mouth and another one to blindfold her. I hated seeing her dressed this way. I knew she hated wearing this dress. I knew everything about her to be exact. Then I drove off out of the country.

Sorry for this short chapter guys. Vote and comment?

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