Making arrangements

Start from the beginning

I could almost feel my blood boiling.
But even I had to admit that she was probably right.
The last couple of weeks Trent was always up late talking on the phone, seeming happy.
So happy even, that he probably hadn’t even noticed me avoiding him, and Seeing Samantha so lively, meant that she was happy too.
Quite frankly, I was surprised simply at the fact, that they were still seeing each other.
Even if Trent hadn’t hit her, I was almost positive that their relationship would have already been over by now.

I sighed.

“It’s okay. I’m sorry too.
Maybe I did let my emotions cloud my judgment a bit.”

“A little bit yeah,” she said, in a humorous tone, and I couldn’t help but smile.
“So...” she continued.
“Were you planning on inviting me inside today or should I just come back sometime next week?”

I shrugged and opened the door for her with great exaggeration.

“Anything for the Queen,” I added, just for kicks.

She shook her head disapprovingly, but I could see that she was trying to hide her smile.
I started hearing the sound of footsteps coming from upstairs.
My brother was obviously expecting her, since he came down and kissed her passionately the moment she was inside.

“You came,” he said.

“Of course I did, I promised didn’t I?”

“Came for what?” I interrupted, and Trent gave me an incredulous look.

“Dinner of course,” Samantha offered, before he could say something that would probably have ruined my mood for the rest of the day.
“Seriously Zack, don’t you even know what time it is?”

I glanced at the living room clock and was surprised by how fast the time seemed to have gone.
It was already dinner time.
Just this morning I was thinking of Samantha—since she never leaves my thoughts completely—and now here she was, joining us.
My mother or stepmother rather, came into the room and started setting up the table.
Although it was hard to see her as my actual mother, I had to admit that she knew how to cook.
Much like my real mother, according to my father at least.
He used to tell me stories about her meals and I always regretted not being able to taste them.
A sudden wave of sadness overcame me as I thought again about how my mother passed away before I even got to know her.
It's funny, how you could feel sad about someone you never even met.
I suppose it’s the wasted possibilities that really get to us, like a missed opportunity to get into that great college or follow your passion.
I shook it off, and reminded myself that it was all in the past.

Rebecca and Samantha helped set the table, occasionally stopping to discuss something I couldn’t overhear.
I had too much pride to make any effort to eavesdrop, despite wanting to know what exactly they were talking about. Afterwards we all sat down and enjoyed a quite meal.
Throughout diner, I could see Samantha and Trent Sharing loving looks.
I rolled my eyes and finished my food. Rebecca sitting accross from me, gave me a curious look and I blushed.
She merely smiled.
At the time, I think she just thought I was uncomfortable with public displays of affection, or at least that’s what I hoped she was thinking.

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