Awkward fight

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Part two to Small Strawberry, because I couldn't help but write this.

Ichigo finally got up from his bed, two days after the incident with Grimmjow, and decided to pay a certain someone a visit. It was not going to be a friendly visit. Ichigo stormed up to the Urahara shop, resisting the urge to blush at the memory, still fresh in his mind. He hoped he wouldn't run into Grimmjow any time soon, he could barely face his friends, let alone the problem. As soon as he got to the shop, he was immediately spotted by Jinta and Uruu. "Yo! Spikey Boy!" Jinta called, obviously slacking off, whereas, Uruu, who was actually doing her work, just asked "Would you like me to get the owner?" getting a nod from Ichigo. She dropped her broom and ran off to find Urahara. "So why are you here?" Jinta probed, "Stuff" Ichigo replied blandly, not giving anything away, just making Jinta even more curious. While Jinta was burning with curiosity, Uruu brought Kisuke out to see Ichigo. "What the hell was that?!" Ichigo yelled, throwing a flower pot at Kisuke, "I'd ask the same thing?" Kisuke grinned, as if he had no idea what Ichigo was talking about. "Two days ago!" Ichigo yelled, resisting the urge to blush beyond compare "Oh, that?" Kisuke laughed, his curiosity itching, wonder what exactly happened after he turned Ichigo into a child. Ichigo's cheeks were slightly flushed with a light rose, making the other three even more curious. "So, what happened?" Kisuke probed, just as the perfect excuse came up. One of the Arrancar had broken through to the real world. If Ichigo could sense spirit pressure, he'd know he was walking into hell. Though, Ichigo being Ichigo, he couldn't, so he pushed his Soul out of his body using the badge that Jushiro Uktiake had handed him, shortly after he had saved Rukia.

Grimmjow was also embarrassed as hell. It took all of his power not to blush. He decided to go to the real world to relive the stress, and avoid Ichigo at all costs. Also, while he was in the real world, he could blush all he wanted. Even though two days had passed, he still couldn't believe that it actually happened, moreover, he couldn't believe he didn't regret it. As soon as he left Hueco Mundo, his face erupted in a deep rose, almost crimson. He let out a sigh and decided to head towards the river. As soon as he saw the river, the events that happened two days ago flooded into his head, even more severely than normal. He shook his head and buried his bright red face into his large hand, before turning away. Grimmjow was so busy trying not to think about Ichigo, that he bumped into him. Ichigo's retatsu was so strong, Grimmjow shouldn't've missed it, but he was so lost in thought he didn't even notice.

Ichigo had used the Arrancar as an excuse to get away from Kisuke's questions, but he hadn't planned on doing anything. Of course, he couldn't just say he was going after it, and not, but there was always the fact of whom it may be. Ichigo squinted his eyes shut 'Please don't let it be Grimmjow, please don't let it be Grimmjow, please don't let it be Grimm-' Ichigo pleaded silently, his thoughts being interrupted by him running into a wall. Only the wall was made of flesh, and had a voice, and there are no walls on buildings. Ichigo didn't run into  a wall, he must've ran into the Arrancar he was chasing. He set one last plead before he even though about opening his eyes, "Please, to the nonexistent gods out there, please, don't let it be-" Ichigo gave up his pleas once the other made a noise, that sounded quite similar to a growl. "Grimmjow?" Ichigo hissed, trying to act like nothing happened at all. He knew in the end, he couldn't deny it, he couldn't make himself forget, but he definitely couldn't admit to Grimmjow that he didn't regret, nor even dislike, it. He didn't want Grimmjow to know he knew at all, but eventually, it will slip.

Panic flooded Grimmjow's eyes as he snapped back to reality, looking into Ichigo's deep chocolate eyes. As hard as it is to believe, Grimmjow lost his cool. It was hard enough being alone to think about it, but when the problem is right in front of you, you can't ignore it. Grimmjow searched for words, the ability to move his body, anything, he could barely fight the blush that threatened to give him away entirely. 'Maybe he doesn't remember it' Grimmjow thought hopefully. I mean, he turned into a child, that doesn't happen naturally, there must've been some sort of outside force, and if it was an outside force, there was a chance he didn't remember it! Unfortunately, he saw it in Ichigo's eyes, he remembered everything, he knew what happened, but, the oddest thing was, there wasn't even a hint of regret. Grimmjow couldn't help but smirk at that, "You wanna fight?!" Ichigo yelled, his hand on his Zanpakuto, ready to go up against Grimmjow. The blue haired male had the best idea, it was obvious Ichigo wasn't going to let Grimmjow know that he remembered it, so Grimm would force it out of him and trick him into giving away all his secrets.

Ichigo tensed when Grimmjow smirked, he knew something was up. Ichigo reached for Zahngetsu, gripping the handle, ready to recoil at any moment. Battle lashed out, Grimmjow's blade hitting Ichigo's, both struggling to push the other back. Taking advantage of this, Grimmjow got right to it, "So, what was that two days ago?" he probed. "How the hell should I know? One moment I'm kicking ass and getting the shit beaten out of me, I go to the shop to get my body, next thing I know I'm a child! The hell kinda shit is that?" Ichigo didn't even realize that he was saying this, it felt so much better to let his rant out, he didn't even notice that he was talking to the enemy, the problem, he didn't realize he wasn't talking to himself anymore. Ichigo also didn't realize he was being pushed back, it wasn't on purpose, but he was heading in the direction of the Urahara shop.

Grimmjow was, honestly, surprised that he got the information out so well, and how Ichigo let it out liked he'd rehearsed it a million times in his head and he was dying to get it out. Trying again, "You called me pretty!" Grimmjow called out, shocked entirely by his answer, "I was just stating the truth! Besides, I was four, I didn't know the word beautiful!" Ichigo yelled. "You yelled at me for being sad!" Grimmjow brought up "You had a really sad face!" Ichigo countered,  "You were just like me, a black rose in a patch of white lilies! You also didn't bully me like everyone else! I felt you, of all people, deserved to be happy!" he defended. "Bullied?" Grimmjow questioned, this word was new to him, "Picked on! Beaten up! Insulted! Treated like a pile of shit! Thrown to the ground! Lower than dirt!" Ichigo explained with anger, hatred, and sorrow. For some odd reason, that got Grimmjow angry, he was angry at those people who push Ichigo so far. Grimmjow beat the shit out of Ichigo, because Ichigo was powerful, he was a challenge, he didn't beat the shit out of him, just to beat the shit out of him. Grimmjow noticed the tears pricking Ichigo's eyes, threatening to fall at any moment. "You started crying because I smiled, just like you told me to!" Grimmjow yelled, "No one had genuinely smiled at me other than my mother!" Grimmjow was not ready for that, he was even less ready for the next conversation. "You said that your mother is dead!" it might've been a dick move, but he wanted to know "She is! She was killed by a Hollow! Also, you told me that you never had a family!" he wasn't wrong. Changing the subject again, "You kissed my cheek! Twice!" Grimmjow pointed out what Ichigo had already thought about one too many times "What? Did you want a hug? It's a small token of affection, kids do it all the time! Did you already forget? I was a child!" Ichigo still hadn't noticed how close they were getting to the shop. "You cuddled me!" it sounded petty, but it had one of the biggest effects on Grimmjow "Well, you told me to grow up big and strong for you!" Ichigo countered. Their quarrel eventually lead them back to Urahara's shop, but neither of them had noticed. "You kissed me! On the lips!" Grimmjow brought up "Bitch, that wasn't even a real kiss!" Ichigo hissed. Little did Ichigo know, he had struck a cord in Grimmjow, "Not a 'real' kiss, huh?" he teased "Of course!" Ichigo defended. "Then what is a real kiss?" the Espada cornered the strawberry "One with love! Or lust! A show of power! A symbol of togetherness!" at this point, Ichigo was just spouting nonsense, babbling about a topic he knew nothing about. In a flash, an instant, faster than Yoroichi's shuunpo (flash step), Grimmjow cupped Ichigo's face and pressed their lips together. Both melted into the kiss, they kissed like their lives depended on it, like one of them had just gotten back from a long, dangerous journey. The two mingled like these feelings had been caged up inside of them since the first time they laid eyes on each other, and that just might've been true. They finally broke apart after about thirty seconds that felt like an eternity, a string of saliva connecting the two like a red string. Grimmjow smirked, feeling he had won "Was that a real kiss?" he taunted. "I don't know, I guess I can grab my body and maybe we can read into it a bit in my room" Ichigo purred. Both had lost their minds, together, to each other.

Kisuke had been watching from the window, he was even more shocked than Grimmjow when he's seen kid Ichigo. "So that's what happened..." he muttered to himself, thinking of excuses for this behavior. Hell, he'd almost convinced himself he was too drunk and he dreamt it all, but then he got a smack in the face. It had been there all along, always wanting to see each other, they always thought and talked about each other, by drawing their blades and pushing each other away, they were bringing each other closer than ever, learning each others strength and weakness, what is important to the other, their strategies and how they work problems out, how they act around people vs how they act alone, they were perfect for each other. Then, Kisuke laughed, just as he had done, they would probably make up excuses for what had happened. It was the dammed hormones, it was a joke, denial, anything they could use, they would, but their destinies would still be connected by the red thread of fate.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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