Chapter 8

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"Don't tell me you're actually thinking about joining."

Tessa huffed annoyedly, as she turned around in her seat to look at Will. It was the next day, and Tessa had barely gotten any sleep the night before. She still couldn't believe they had asked her to join their gang.

"Yes, and stop asking me that. It's annoying." Tessa muttered.

Will shook his head. "You don't want to join, trust me."

She scoffed. "Trust you? Really?"

Will rolled his eyes, annoyed. "I'm trying to give you advice. This kind of stuff - it isn't for people like you."

"Oh really? And what I am like?" Tessa challenged.

"A goody-two shoes. You're too nice and shy for this kind of stuff. You'd never survive." He sounded annoyed.

Tessa only huffed, and remained silent, secretly knowing that he was right. She was too much of a goody to do this kind of stuff. And getting a tattoo? That sounded like a very painful experience that she didn't want to have to face. But there was something about it that pulled her to it. Maybe it was the badness of it, the not knowing what to expect.

"And you're too innocent." Will finished.

"I get it." Tessa muttered, rolling her eyes.

Will only studied her, his blue eyes searching her grey ones, and she felt herself turning red. Even though she hated him, when he looked at her she felt as if he was running his finger tips along her skin. Tessa only turned back to her work, and ignored him. She worked hard all the way up until lunch, and then found herself sitting in cafeteria with everyone, except for Will. Tessa had no idea where he was.

"Have you been thinking about it?" Clary asked.

"Yeah, a lot." Tessa replied. "But I'm still not sure."

"You have two more days, don't worry about it." Isabelle spoke.

"Will's totally against me joining." Tessa muttered.

Cecily scoffed. "That's just how he is. Don't worry about him. You can make decisions for yourself."

Tessa only sighed, and they started to talk about something else. She decided to go back up to her desk early, and she said goodbye to all of them. Tessa walked to the elevator and pressed the button. She walked in and just before it was about to close, Will slipped inside. The doors closed behind him, and they both stood there silently.

Tessa made a sound. "You smell of smoke."

"Congratulations, you have a sense of smell." He rolled his eyes, annoyed.

Tessa was about to say something, when the elevator made a weird sound and stopped moving.

Will swore. "It stopped working."

"How long do you think we'll be stuck in here for?" Tessa asked nervously. She got claustrophobic.

Will shrugged carelessly. "Whenever those idiot maintenance people figure out what's wrong with it. It could take awhile."

"Great." Tessa muttered. "Of course I'd have to be stuck in here with you."

Will glared at her fiercely, while sitting down. "Trust me, you're not the first person I'd pick either."

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