(His outfit

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(His outfit.)

"You ready?" He asked, looking down at my sock.

"No." I said gesturing to my naked foot. He laughed.

I put on my other sock and my air max and was ready to go.

We started walking and we were talking about last night and Suga.

"He drunk my damn milk!" i exclaimed.

Jungkook laughed, "He does that at home to. He's always the one to finish the milk in our dorm."

"Dorm, you guys are college roommates?" I asked.

"No, we have a dorm to sleep in. Every kpop idol group does." He explained.

"You guys are a kpop boy group? I didn't know." I said surprised.

"Really, wow." He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Well... Suga needs to learn his surroundings because he was definitely not at home." I said rolling my neck and my eyes.

"I know right." He said copying my small gesture.

We arrived at the cafe i have been going to for the past 2 days.

"You go here?" I said raising a brow.

"Yea, when i can." He said opening the door.

Two woman walked through the door before i could. I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you and I've been coming to this cafe for the past few days. I like it, its quiet and peaceful." I said walking through the door. The cafe had its regular smell of coffee and muffins.

Jungkook and I sat down at a booth.  "Hi my name is Jenny, what may i get for you?" She said, smiling extra big at Jungkook.

"Can i get the regular?" he smiled. The waitress smiled and turned towards me with a straight face.

I fake smiled, "Can I have a latte with a chocolate muffin."

"Sure." She said, and walked away.

"So, what brings you to Korea?" Jungkook asked.

"I wanted to travel the world and work on my modeling career. It just so happened that i felt that Korea was one of the best places to do it." I said, playing with my fingers.

"Are you thinking about staying?" He asked.

"Maybe, its nice out here in Seoul." I said. The waitress was setting down our orders.

I licked my lips, my muffin looked amazing. I sipped my latte and looked towards Jungkook's direction. He was admiring a tall glass in front of him.

"What is that." I said biting into my muffin.

"Vanilla milkshake." He said in his cute Korean English.

I laughed and took a sip of my latte. It tastes better than yesterdays.

Jungkook was sipping on his milkshake when he got a call from his phone.

"Hello?" He answered.

I heard someones voice but it was muffled so i couldn't hear it entirely. His eyes widened at whatever the person on the other end was saying.

"I'm at the cafe with Luna... Yes, I'm coming.... Okay, I'll ask her." and with that he hung up.

"That was Manager Hyung, I'm late for my dance practice. But he wants me to bring you along." He said finishing up his milkshake.

"Why?" I asked taking another bite of my muffin.

"He wants you to be a tour dancer and so he wants you to come to a dance practice so that you can make up your mind." He said standing up. 

"Oh yea, I forgot all about that." i said finishing up my latte.

"So you coming?" He asked.

I contemplated in my mind if that was really what i wanted to do. It wasn't until next week when i would be going on an apartment tour. So i have nothing to do today.

"Okay, I have nothing to do today anyway." I said.

Jungkook paid the waitress and called an uber. In about 2 minutes a car pulled up and we got in.

When we got to the big hit headquarters we got into the elevator and pressed the 4th floor button.

"You think Suga gonna have an attitude?" I said, rolling my eyes at his behavior last night. 

"I hope hes not." He said.

The doors opened and we proceeded down the hall. The boys were breathing heavily and laying on the ground when we got into room 409.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," Jungkook said. He dropped his bag, sat on the ground and started stretching.

Rap monster looked up from where he was laying. "Just because your the maknae doesn't mean you have the right to be late." 

Jungkook didn't say a word. He waved his hand signaling me to come over to where he was sitting.

I pointed at myself, asking him if he was talking to me. He nodded. 

I walked over to him, sat on the floor and started stretching. We stretched for a good 5 minutes until Manager Hyung told us that we were learning new choreography.

We were being taught an extended choreo to a song they did called 'Save Me.' It was really fun and the dance teacher was super nice.

After learning the choreo we ran it back twice and then it was time to go. 

Everyone was getting their things when Suga came up to me. "I had fun last night." He said.

Everyone stopped what they were doing. 

"Okay Suga, you was gettin some!" Rap monster said.

He dapped Suga and Suga smirked.

I rolled my eyes and started to explain. " Its not like that. He aint get nothing. He came to my house-"

"Okayyy Suga!!!" Jimin cut me off.

"Guys, leave her alone." Jungkook said.

"Mind your business, Jungkook." Suga said.

"She is my business!" He snapped back.

Everyone ooed."Oh, so your the one getting some." Rap monster said, winking at Jungkook.

"No one is getting anything." I exclaimed grabbing Jungkook and leaving the stuffy room.

"I'm sorry about my hyung's." He said, getting into the elevator.

"You dont have to keep apologizing." I huffed, pressing the lobby button.

After that he stayed silent. We rode down the elevator in silence. 

"Just take me home." I said when we got to lobby.

He called an uber and it came in no more than 3 minutes. Suga is so cocky. He made it seem like we had sex, which didnt happen at all.

I sighed and looked out the window. What a long day

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