☆t w e n t y e i g h t☆

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I'm so inactive omg but idk if anyone cares so🤘🏼 Hunter is also coming to my city and I'm not going to see him so I'm very happy as you can tell😊😩 anyway I hope somebody likes this chapter

*Hunter's POV*

"Holy oh my god New York City is hugggggeeeee" I think to myself.

We walk around to a couple stores and went out to lunch.

*at lunch*

When we got to the restaurant we sat at a table for two.

"so, Miss Catalina, tell me, how's New York City?"

Cat giggles and looks at me, "it's different, but in a good way, I mean it hard being away but at times it can be good, time to myself is sometimes needed"

"that's understandable" Hunter responded

"it's hard not having you around, cuz sometimes I want you so bad, but"

she cut me off, "can we not talk about that?" she said laughing.

"yeah" Hunter said putting his head down.

"so let's talk about you for once, how's Yale?" she asks me.

"same thing as here, it's different, in a good way, but it's weird not being around the people I'm used to being around"

"well I'm really glad that you came to visit me, a surprise was definitely needed being away for so long,"

"it wasn't really that long, it just feels like forever"

"I know, it's gonna take forever before I get out of here"

"but it's a good thing baby girl, you should be proud that your here, it's an accomplishment that people work soooo hard for, and sometimes they still don't make it"

"thanks boo" and she reached across the table and kissed me.

"I love you so much Cat"

"I love you so much more Hunter"

this was terribleee but oh welllllll,

thanks for reading if you see this:)

I love you

xoxo~ AriannaRowland ❤️

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