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Chapter 13:

I was kept there, on the platform, until the train was removed from the tracks.

My eyes followed everything mechanically, slowly replaying the earlier scenes into my mind. It all unfolded like a dream:

the white dress flowing in the breeze,
the white glowing smile of the girl,
and the white petals of the flowers she let go of.

"Could you tell me what happened here?"
An officer walked around asking everyone questions.

Every witness was asked separately and they all gave their own version of the facts.

"Sir, please come this way." Motioning for me to change my position, a young student led me a couple of steps away.

"From what the others said, I understand that you were the closest to her. What happened?" The girl watched me closely, as her superior questioned.


I hesitated. I didn't even know what to say,
what to declare.

'Tell them you did it.'

A familiar voice dictated.

'The blood on your hands...
it shall remain as testimony.'

A loud interjection followed from my right side.

The girl's remains must have finally become visible to the investigation team.
And I could only imagine just how bad it all was.


I'm gonna throw up.

Chapter 14:

"It's your first time, isn't it?"
The officer questioned and I could only nod.

It all felt surreal and I could only wish I had never descended.

"Would you like to sit down for a moment?"
The same old man inquired.
"If you're unwell, please let us know."

'It's just a dream. Just like before, it's just a dream.'

I shook my head. "I..."
My throat was dry.


Tears suddenly started falling from my eyes
and I fell to my knees.

It was for the first time after such a long time.

Chapter 15:

"He's only trying to impress."
A man sneered.

I could feel every glare.

Every stare.

Every frown.

"Can we proceed with the questions?"
The student looked at her superior.

A glint of sympathy twinkled in her eyes.

"Ah, this is getting a little difficult. Perhaps we should give him time and discuss this later, at the station? Ah, whatever. Hey, you can just give your declaration then."


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