Chapter 15-The Ball-Part 2

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Standing there with hunters staring at me made me angry. This night is suppose to be the night I meet my mate again, but it was ruined by them. I felt my GunBlade formed into my hand as I looked everywhere. Black crows are on the ceilings, with other hunters. I looked at the man, seeing him in a black cloak like what I'm wearing. I stepped forward making every hunter in the room step closer to the man. I smirked a little, and the girl that is surprising my mates other mate, but I know she's a fake. She had a dagger in her right hand, with wolfbane on it. I laughed under my breath because she thinks I'm a werewolf. Well part of me is, but that doesn't matter right now.

Her red eyes were on me. I sniffed the air, finding out she's a rogue. She also went to a warlock to get a spell and join a pack, which was my mates pack. I'm guessing she also got a spell that she can become my mates, fake mate. That made my blood boil. "So who hell are you?" he sneered at me. "Someone who can kill you instantly." I said looking at him, but he couldn't see my face. Then I felt something flying above me, aiming for me. I spun around and shot my arm out, grabbing whatever that is about inject me. Gasp were heard, but I stayed focus as I reopened my palm to see a tiny toothpick, well it looked like it. It's strong smell hit my nose, oh it's a drug that can knock me out. I guess it would work if I wasn't a Goddess. I let it fall to ground and turned back around to see a everyone shocked.

I knew they saw my armor, but really, why would they be gasping. I looked down seeing my blade, oh that's why. Then I felt a penance from behind, I shot out my arm grabbing whoever is behind me, now the person is in front me. The hunter hissed at me, so I slammed him on the floor breaking the concrete easily. The hunter went limp in my grasp, I let him go and looked back up. Hunters all around me growled, hissed, and I could tell they wanted to kill me. "Your just one person. You can never win." The man said as he pulled out a dagger. I rolled my eyes knowing he wouldn't see my face. "I can take all your hunters down." I said with power. Some of the people around me stepped back, fear written on their faces. "Fine then. Kill her." he said as hunters started to circle me.

My grip tighten on my GunBlade as I patiently waited for one of them to make a move. A hunter on my right jumped forward, making me step back, then I moved inhuman speed and sliced his leg. I watched him fell, then the other hunters join in. I have to say, it was easy to kill them all. I dropped the last body and looked up at the man that had a shocked face. "How? What? What are you?" he asked with fear all over his face. "I'm a warrior." I said as I stepped over a dead wolf. People around me had shocked faces, as I walk over dead hunters and rogues. He grabbed someone from the side which made me stop in my tracks.

Hope stood there with a knife against his throat. "Make a move and I'll kill him, then I'll let the other hunters kill all these people." I growled at him, I felt my insides grow cold as my mate stood their with fear in his eyes. I fought against myself to run to the man, and rip him apart. "Let him go." I said feeling my teeth change. "Why would I do that." he asked with a smirk. Then I was ground, I looked up to see the girl that said she was my mates, mate. "That was for killing my sister." she said with anger. So the one that pretended to be Chris mate was her sister weirdly they don't look the same. I laughed watching her face scrunch up. "Why are you laughing?" she said angry. "Well, you don't look like your sister and she was ugly like you." I said then she shift into her pathetic of a wolf. She lunged at me, but I moved and side kicked her.

"Your weak, just like your sister." I said as she snarled at me. 'Lucas!' I said through mind link. 'I have my eye on the man with your mate, want me to take the shot.' He said as I dodged the girl weak attacks. 'Now.' I watched as Lucas shot an arrow towards the man that had my mate. He yelled and pushed Hope away. I punched the girl in front of me watching her yelp. I ran to Hopes side, he looked at me as I put a shield around us. I turned to him, I put my hand on my chest, then pull out.

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