Chapter 32: Does a Cat-Girl Defecate in the Jungle?

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Before Sarah even had the chance to teleport, Michael pitched the one-pound 'Arcane Orb' with his left hand, as hard as he could. He didn't bother using any telekinesis, since he wanted to see how much damage the little 'rubber-ball' would do on its own.

His aim was surprisingly accurate, considering that he was mostly right-handed. The glowing sphere smacked into the tiger's snout, bouncing high into the air, before changing its trajectory and returning to his palm.

A big '-40' appeared above its head, but there was no physical reaction. It wasn't a critical hit, but still much more powerful than throwing a rock, yet the beast didn't even seem to notice the attack.

After that, he threw the ball once again, smacking into the tiger's left foreleg, and bouncing off. The blow did the same exact amount of damage, and the creature's health had reached zero, but there were no physical injuries: It simply died.

Whether from a heart-attack, stroke, or having its central nervous-system obliterated, the animal stopped running towards him and just slid across the ground for a few moments, before slumping down. Michael turned to the still-crying cat-girl and asked "What the fuck was that?"

Elina wiped away her tears, with her robe's sleeves, and answered "Arcane magic deals damage directly to a person or beast's life-force. There are some stunning techniques and other things like that, but the reason that people fear it so much, is because you don't even know you're dying. Anyway, can we please go find a place to rest now?"

The little Thief complained "No way, I just leveled-up! What the hell am I supposed to do while you assholes are sleeping? I'll just go kill things on my-" Before she could finish her sentence, Michael instantly stored her into Companion-slot two.

He turned to the tired Priestess and told her "Yeah, I need to get some sleep as well, or this damn arm won't grow back." as he walked over to the tiger carcass and shoved it into his bag.

After that, the two of them traveled to the east for two hours before finally returning to that same waterfall. It wasn't a coincidence, since they had a map and decided that it would be much faster to just return there, than trying to find another place like that.

Along the way, they managed to avoid the relatively low-leveled magical-beasts that would have been willing to attack them, and even took a short break to eat some wild blueberries that they found. However, when they finally arrived, Elina was very fidgety and told the one-armed man "I need you to protect me... while I take care of something."

Michael sighed and grumbled "Ah yes, the famous cat-girl shitting in the jungle scene... I wonder why they always leave this part out of all the stories?" as he had to stand-guard a few feet away from the groaning Priestess.

She was completely naked, squatting next to a huge tree, several-hundred meters away from the waterfall. Elina complained "Stop looking at me... Ow~, remind me never to eat blueberries again."

However, Michael just kept staring at her, while coughing and gagging occasionally. He asked "What else am I supposed to do? I fucking told you that we'd probably get diarrhea, but no~, you needed some damn fruit. Sigh, if we actually had toilets and... Oh God, I just remembered that we don't have toilet-paper. Actually, does that even exist in this world?"

The scowling cat-girl yelled "Of course it does! 'Normally,' adventurers would bring plenty of it along with them... but someone left my backpack in that inn!"

He sighed dramatically, then told her "Well~, I might have a solution... It'll be really gross though. Kinda have to wait till you're done first, so shit faster." No matter how long she had spent as an adventurer, even her brother and sister had never been as rude and overbearing as that strange Human.

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