"Yeah, well there is that." I hear the implied sigh in her voice.

It stings me a little that I have to remind her that I am not long for San Fall, or for her life? So there is no long-term future in taking my side in anything. As usual, like a tsunami, I am left leaving only damage in my wake. 

"Anyways, I am really glad your leg isn't broken." I switch her off the track she is heading on. "I was seriously concerned when I heard you went to the hospital."

"Oh really? And just how concerned were you?" Translation: How bad did you freak the flock out?

"You told me not to worry, so I tried not to. But after Someone's Sister told me what was what? Yeah maybe, I had a dark moment or two there for a minute." I freely admit my many transgressions. "I only started to get my zen back after Mrs. St. Clarie told me that your leg wasn't broken, and that you wouldn't have to wear a cast."

"How did Mrs. Saint C know about that?" May falls silent for a second and puts the vine together easily. "Probably had to be the Nurse who told her. Suddenly I'm not so sure how I feel about people talking about me behind my back?" 

"I understand you don't like people talking about you behind your back or otherwise. I get that May ...I really do." I try to reassure her innate paranoia. "But at the same time, you can't make them stop caring about you behind your back."

"Honestly, I think the only reason she even told me anything at all? Was so I wouldn't make a bigger problem for you by demanding to know where you were and why? And also, I got the feeling that I might have intimidated Mrs. St. Claire ...just a little today."

"A bigger problem? Oh holy hell, what did you do now, Mr. Devil?" I can hear the amusement in her voice. Which I am hoping it's her wicked sense of humor reasserting itself, and not just the pain pills putting her in a fun mood. Bur when they wear off we won't be in full-on Mayhem mode in the aftermath.

"Ah... I might have ...sort of ...possibly made an indirect threat against Chins over that a coffee table?" I wince even as I explain this possibility, knowing full well May hates it when people talk about her behind her back. "But it won't come back at you I swear. It's all on me now ...being a concerned male escort or something."

"Okay, you have to start from the beginning of that tale." May sighs.

So I tell her the tragic tale of the horrible Hellen Keller note. Luckily for me, by the time I am finished she is actually laughing. Which I take as a good sign or some really good pain meds. Sad to say, but at this point in the saga? I think I will take either one and call it a hokahey, good day to die. 

"Oh my dog, I can't believe you used that awful joke to make a threat against a teacher." May pauses and then starts to giggle even harder. "What am I saying? Of course, I can believe it! You're that tough guy from that day on the Annex bleachers, who called me blazing blind."

"You're not going to let me forget that are you?" I sigh in faux suffering.

"Not even a little...brah."  She laughs me off.

What I will only find out later from May is that another strange truth is about to take shape. For when April arrives home from a bad day of practicing her cheer, she immediately drops her things at the door and heads to directly May's room. April has a very good reason not to trust either of her parents with her sister's care and welfare. As they have proven time and time again, they only care about one person in the Grimm house ...themselves.

"Are you sleeping?" April slides next to her sister on the futon on the floor in the corner.

"Nope, just thinking up some epic big thoughts on some damn decent drugs." May smiles up.

Fall in Mayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें