<Jay> Meet you at the park in five, no ball, let's just walk

<Ben> Awesome

Jay pulled off her cleats and put on her tennis shoes. She walked outside and found Ben waiting for her. She chuckled and he put his arm around her. She leaned her head on his shoulder. "You okay?" he asked as they walked.

"Sorta," she sighed. "I didn't think Beverly would ever choose him over me like that."

"Maybe she's just having an off day," Ben tried to console her. "She's been acting really weird lately."

Jay nodded, just as they reached the park. They found two empty swings on the swing set and sat next to each other. "Should we talk to her about it?" Jay asked.

"I'm not sure," he sighed. "Maybe we should talk to my moms."

"No, she'd kill us."

"Good point."

They sat on the swings and talked for a little while, before the sun began to set. "We should probably get home," Ben stood up.

Jay stood up as well, and the two walked home.


At dinner that night, Beverly barely picked at anything. "Honey, you need to eat," Tobin said.

"I'm not hungry," Beverly pushed the plate back.

Press sighed, putting a hand to her forehead. "You aren't warm," she gave her a look. "Maybe you're catching what Jay had, go upstairs and lie down sweetheart."

Beverly nodded and headed upstairs. Adrian looked at Press and Tobin. "Bevie okay?" he asked.

"Bevie is gonna be just fine," Tobin assured him. "Don't worry bud."

"Okay mommy!"

Ben finished his dinner rather quickly and then headed upstairs. He found Beverly lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling. "What's going on with you?" he asked gently.

"Nothing," Beverly rolled over and faced the wall.

"Beverly this isn't nothing," Ben sat on the edge of her bed, forcing her to turn over. "What's going on?"

"I just... I can't tell you."

"Beverly I'm your twin brother, you can tell me anything."

"You don't get it," she mumbled, turning over again.

"Then explain it to me," he was losing his patience.

"No. Just go hang out with Jay."

"Is that what this is about?" Ben felt his anger rising. "We invited you to hang out! You just wanted to listen to your stupid boyfriend!"

"He's not stupid!" Beverly got up. "Why can't you see that?"

"He doesn't let you do anything!"

"He's just looking out for me!"

Their door swung open, and the familiar blond haired boy walked in. "You yelling at my girlfriend?"

"Stay out of this Zach," Ben pushed him to the side, walking towards the door.

Zach grabbed the back of Ben's hoodie. "Don't mess with her," he breathed huskily in his face, and Ben could smell alcohol on his breath. "Let's go Beverly."

"Bev," Ben tried again. "Please don't get in a car with him."

"Why not?" Beverly asked sassily.

"He's been drinking," Ben was on the verge of tears, he knew she wasn't listening. "He's underaged. Bev please I can't lose you."

"He's probably had one drink," she shrugged. "And we've done this so many times I can't count. Let's go Zach."

"Gladly," he grumbled, jerking her arm and pulling her outside.

As soon as they pulled out, Ben ran to Jay's house. He slammed the door behind him and Tyler and Rodger gave him a weird look. "Is everything alright Ben?"

"No," he breathed. "Is Jay here?"

"She's upstairs," Tyler motioned towards the stairs.

"Thanks," he sprinted upstairs before they could ask anything else.

He opened her door to find Lily asleep in her lap. The eleven year old was curled up, her face paler than usual and her breathing heavy. "What's up?" Jay whispered.

"Beverly and Zach."

"What happened?"

"She got in his car. I could smell alcohol on his breath."

"Shit," Jay gently picked up Lily, lying her in bed.

"Jayyyy," she whined.

"I've gotta go L," she kissed her head. "Gwen! Come in here and entertain Lily please!"

Jay then ran downstairs, Ben following, and out the door before her dads could ask any questions. "Where are we going?" Ben asked, following her as she ran.

"I'm tracking Beverly's phone," Jay explained, looking down at it periodically. "It looks like they stopped over near the convenient store."

Ben nodded, and the two continued running. What they were faced with was the most terrifying thing Ben had ever seen. The car had flipped, it was upside down.

Beverly was still in it.

A/N: Well.... that took a turn. Anyways, I AM SO SORRY I DIDNT UPDATE YESTERDAY!

See, I got a bit distracted with other things (such as catching up on makeup work from school because I had to leave early for a shotgun meet, and also catching up on the game I recorded Thursday since I couldn't watch live) and I know that's not an excuse but I hope you enjoyed it now!

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