I turned and walked to the stairs trying not to step onto the ones that were sat on the steps. I knocked the bathroom door and waited. I could hear murmurs but I it was difficult to understand a single word. After a couple of seconds, a blond boy came out, stared at me and then went downstairs. Who was that? I hadn’t seen him ever and I wasn't sure Niall had invited him to the party.

I entered the bathroom and stared at Sky, who was sat under the sink. I approached her and wrapped my arms around her cold body. She was shivering.

“What’s wrong?”

“Thank you” she whispered.

“What? Tell me what happened. Did he do something to you?” I looked over my shoulder, considering the idea of running down the stairs and beat the shit out of him.

“Thank you” she repeated, hugging me by my neck.

“Come on, I’ll take you home” I said lifting her body in my hands. I went carefully downstairs, trying again not to step on somebody and when I got outside I glanced around trying to spot that guy between the multitude.

What had he done to Sky? I had to find out.

End of flashback.


Jealousy and anger burned my whole body when I saw Sky kissing that blond guy. He didn’t know her and let alone loved her half much as I did. However, he was able to touch her, to kiss her. I wasn’t.

“Hey, don’t worry. She’s drunk, she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She’s still your girlfriend anyway” said Lenny with her hand on my shoulder.

“Just stop it Lenny, she’s not my fucking girlfriend!” I yelled at her and instantly regret it, but I was to blinded to turn to her and say I was sorry.

“I’m sorry, I… I didn’t mean to… never mind.”

I caught a glimpse on someone walking towards Sky. Her gray eyes were full of fury. She rushed to them, grabbed a strand of hair from Sky and pulled it down strongly, making her stumble and hit her head with the floor. Scarlett stood still in front of the boy, who was pale as if he had just seen a ghost. He turned around and got out of the place through the emergency door.

I walked towards Sky, stood next to Scarlett and it was then when I realized. It was him, the guy from Niall’s party a year ago. He was the one who had done something to her and I didn’t have a fucking clue of what it was.

“Scarlett?” I said, standing next to her.

“What?” she murmured looking down.

“Why did you do that?”

“Never mind.”

“Tell me.”

“It’s none of your bussines!” she yelled.

“I don’t care, you did just make Sky hit her head, why did you..?”

“Don’t bother okay? I’m not in a good mood.” She turned around and started to walk to the kitchen. I followed her a few steps.

“Oh, what a big surprise! You’re never in a bad mood” I snapped. She sighed and turned to me again.

“You don’t know me Harry. You don’t know what happened to me, you don’t know how I was murdered, you don’t have a fucking clue of what I’ve gone through. So just shut up and leave me alone" she said and I nearly choked.

“You were murdered?” I suddenly felt awful.

“If you are so interested, yes. I was murdered.” Now there were tears in her eyes. The strong girl was surprisingly crying.

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