Chapter 3: Another letter

Start from the beginning


Will you agree?

And her thought came up..

Would she agree?

Even if she doesn't even know the person?

Sana walked outside the room and looked for the staff that gave her the letter.

"Unnie, please give this back to the person that gave this letter." Sana said and handed the paper.

"He already left." The staff said.

"Oh. Anyways, thank you unnie." Sana said and smiled at the staff.

She turned around holdling the letter and went inside the room.

"Unnie, where have you been?" Tzuyu asked, holding both of Sana's shoulders.

"Just uhhmm.." Sana looked around, trying to make an excuse.

"Went outside." She said.

Tzuyu removed her hands on both of Sana's shoulders and looked at her staright in the eye.

And she left.

Sana was a bit dumbfounded at what the younger one did but she just brushed it off.




The next morning, they came back to SoKor and camera shutters, flashes were seen and heard as they walk outside the airport.

Fans going crazy seeing them in personal, fansite-nims were taking photos of them while international fans just easily die by the photos that they post on SNS.

They smiled to all the fans that were in the airport as they walked outside the airport.

Fans followed them which made the big way too narrow because of the fanboys screaming their names outloud while pushing eachother.

But they managed to get out and went inside their van.

It was the same again, the van was full of loud laughs and some clumsy moments that made them crack up...

Once they got back to their dorm, They all went to their respective rooms and rest peacefully.

"Yah! Someone took one of my chips!" Momo shouted which made her sleepy roomate frown.

"Momo, sitting there in your bed won't make the chips walk towards you." Jungyeon said and slumped her head on the pillow.

"You're right. CHIPS WHEREVER YOU ARE, I'm going to eat you!" Momo shouted before opening the door.

"Can't you just go out without shouting nor talking?! I'm sleeping here!" Jungyeon irritatedly said which made Momo give an apologetic smile and a peace sign before she slams the door loud.

Jungyeon sighed but quickly fell asleep after the commotion that her shiksin roomate gave.

Momo went outside of the room and looked around.

She saw Sana sitting on the couch holding a bag of chips which caught her attention.

Sana was about to open it when she dashed towards her.

"NOOOOOO!" She yelled while dashing towards Sana, strangling her arms.

"Yah!" Sana flinched.

"Where did you get the chips?" Momo asked sharply.

"At a store of course." Sana said.

"Without even paying it?"

"Of course I did pay. Now, stop asking me stupid questions and why don't you ask your oh-so-great roomate about it? Geez." Sana said and pushed Momo away.
She fixed her clothes and took her chips.

"Wait." Momo said.

"What?" Sana said.

"Can we share?" Momo asked with puppy eyes.

"Fine, here." Sana said and gave her the unopened bag of chips to Momo.

She stood up and went to her room.

She quickly slumped her body on the bed and was about to sleep but stayed awake by the sudden familliar voice she heard on the door.


"It's open." Sana said and sat up  on the bed.

"Oh, are you going to sleep? I'll just talk to next time.." Tzuyu said and left, leaving Sana dumbfounded.

Sana just sighed and looked at the white ceiling..

"Who are you? How come you don't say your name on every letter you sent?" She thought

She soon closed her eyes and fell asleep.


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