Yeah, no.

Instead, I put on a charming smile and said, "The education system of The University of Cambridge has been deemed the best amongst all others and I believe their programs are well structured and suitable for the field I would like to step in. Apart from this, academic experience from an Ivy League school, especially one as revered as The University of Cambridge, is highly valued around the world. Also, this University offers excellent research opportunities through many internship programs. On top of that, having global exposure will tremendously help to advance my career."

The clearance officer nodded, writing something down on his clipboard before asking, "And what career would you like to pursue in the future?"

"I decided to become a Pediatrician."

"So you'll be taking what course?"

"I'll be taking Clinical Medicine. The Department of Pediatrics at The University of Cambridge is involved in teaching, research and clinical practice and is an internationally recognized centre for research in child health and development. I'm very excited, especially because I got a scholarship," I answered.

Let me just say, although Brent's taking the same course as I am, I did not choose it for him. I may be crazy for the guy, but I would never jeopardize my future for someone who doesn't love me yet. I've always genuinely wanted to be a Pediatrician. Ever since Daphne...

The officer sighed, seemingly tired of asking the same questions he asks every student visa applicant. "Last question, Ms. Vaughn. What are your plans after graduation?"

I thought about it for a minute. What did I want to do after all this? When I imagined myself after 4 years, all I could see was Brent. I would like to be with him by then. I couldn't help it. Brent is all I know. He's all I ever imagined, aside from becoming a Pediatrician. I just couldn't picture a future without him. He's my common denominator; my constant variable. He's just a given.

However, this clearance officer wasn't looking for that answer. So, I sat up straight and gave him the part of my plan that didn't involve me being a love drunk 18 year old girl. "I'll have to complete three or more years of a residency, where I'll train hands-on in a hospital or clinic under the supervision of experienced pediatricians. When I finish my training, I'd like to put up my own clinic."

The officer nodded twice, writing one last thing down before closing his clipboard and saying, "Very well. You may go, Ms. Vaughn. You can expect a confirmation email sent to you by tomorrow."

"Thank you very much for your time, sir," I said before exiting the room.

When I stepped out, I released a sigh of relief. I was glad that was finally over. All I had left to do was go shopping for clothes. Living in LA all my life, I was not ready for the UK weather. Everything else was set. I was going to rent a room in a friend's apartment because he so happened to live near the University, my Cambridge University acceptance form was tucked safely into the carry-on bag I was planning on bringing into the plane, my grandparents had already created a bank account for me to use when I got there; I was almost completely ready.

"Hey!" My best friend, Lesley, said, jumping in front of me, making my heart leap out of my chest.

I gasped in shock, "Les! What'd you do that for?"

She doubled over, laughing. "Sorry. I just love it when you're lost in your thoughts. That's always the best time to scare the shit out of you."

I rolled my eyes. "Why are we friends?"

"Because I'm the best person you'll ever meet. Duh."

I laughed, taking her hand and pulling her out of the building. "Come on, we have to go shopping!"

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