Please, Don't Do This...

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"Okay, I have seen my fair share of fights living around here but you two are too much," Fiona snorted. "You guys need to just chill out and enjoy each others company for a second."

"Mickey constantly changes his mind, he doesn't know what he wants," Ian muttered, slowly getting more and more hurt the more he thought of Mickey. Fiona sat next to him at the table and smiled sympathetically. She put a hand on top of Ian's.

"Ian, I want you to know that when you get in a fight with someone, especially someone like Mickey, you are going to immediately think he hates you, because of the kind of person he is. But he doesn't and deep inside you know it. Until you know what's going on in Mickey's head right now and how he feels, this can't be blamed on him again and again." Ian knew his sister was right. She always was. Ian nodded and looked back down at the paper.

"I'd talk to him about it, but he's too fucking stubborn."

"So that means you got to wait on him. He'll come around eventually."
Fiona looked down at the newspaper. "Anyway, any jobs open?"

"Few shitty ones here and there," Ian replied. "How's the wedding planner job going?"

"So far so good. My boss is an asshole sometimes but it's nothing I can't handle. I could maybe get you a job in there, if you wanted."

"Thanks, Fi but I'm a shitty planner and you know it."

"Not true. You plan birthday parties like you were born to do it."

"Compare birthday parties and weddings. Plus, I've got my eye on something but I don't really know if it's good for me."

Fiona gave her a brother a warm smile. "What is it? You can tell me, Ian."

Ian put his finger on the ROTC advertisement on the page. Fiona's smile fainted away as she looked at it. "I want to be in the military, Fiona."

"Jesus, Ian," she mumbled. "A-are you sure? You know it isn't easy getting in there."

"I want to try," Ian pushed. "I think I can do it. I want to be an officer, Fiona."

Fiona looked at Ian seriously. "If you do sign up for this, you'll be away from home a lot. For training and if you get enlisted."

Ian nodded. "I know."

"Do you think Mickey would be OK with that?"

Ian bit his lip and nervously looked back at the newspaper. "Well I mean," he sputtered. "He can't hold me back from my ambitions and what I want."

"You're right, he can't."

"But then again I also don't want to-" Ian stopped himself and sighed. "You know what, for now I'll think about it. I'll talk to him."

"Good idea." Fiona stood up and went back to putting the groceries away and starting dinner. Ian took his phone out and dialled Mickey while walking outside.


Mickey's phone started to ring just as they pulled into Sebastian's street. He glanced down at Ian's name and looked over at Jamie who was busy driving and munching on his burger. He answered the call. "Yeah?"

"Hey, Mick." Ian sounded nervous and soft. It made Mickey nervous too.

"What's up? Something wrong?" Mickey couldn't help asking, his voice sounding a little urgent. He heard Ian take in a deep breath on the other end.

"Nothing Mick, it's just... look, if I had something that meant a lot to me that I wanted to pursue, you would support me right?"

Mickey snickered a little. "Depends. If you decided you wanted to fucking eat people I wouldn't support you. What you on about anyway?"

"No, no nothing like that," Ian laughed softly. "It's like, should we talk about it when you get home?"

Mickey looked at Jamie who had already pulled into Seb's house and was waiting for Mickey outside the door, looking impatient. Mickey took the chance of being alone in the car to say what he wanted to Ian. "Yeah, we'll sort it out when I get back. I gotta go now, Ian."

"Okay, Mickey," Ian replied, as quiet as a whisper.

Mickey squeezed his eyes shut. "I lo- uh, bye Ian."

Mickey quickly hung up and refrained from shooting himself in the head. Did he almost just fucking tell Ian he loved him? He doesn't even know what love is! He looked up when Jamie started knocking on his window, an annoyed look on his face. Mickey got out of the car. "Fuck was that?" Jamie asked.

"Ian," Mickey replied. He didn't see the point of lying. Jamie didn't seem to give a shit anyway, he just walked to Sebastian's door and pushed it open, not bothering to knock.

"Woah, woah!" Sebastian yelled when the two walked into the basement. Seb was with Colin looking through guns, just like Jamie predicted. He calmed when he noticed it was just two more Milkovich's. "Jesus, warn a guy will ya? I thought you were cops."

"Serves you for not locking your fucking door," Jamie chuckled while fist bumping Sebastian, Mickey doing the same.

"What's up James, Mick?" Seb asked, sitting back down. Colin barely acknowledged his brothers in the room. He was busy cleaning a damn AK47.

"Just another day," Mickey replied, eying Colin. Colin looked up at him with a cigarette between his teeth.

"Light it," he mumbled through it, hands too dirty to do it himself. Mickey refrained from rolling his eyes and took his lighter out, putting the fire to the cigarette. Colin mumbled a thanks and went back to cleaning.

Sebastian stood up. "I'll leave you guys to it. Give me a yell when you pick a gun."

"Thanks Seb," Jamie pat Sebastian's back as he left the room, leaving the three brothers downstairs.

"Iggy's gonna be here soon, he's helping me take the bitch down," Colin informed, still not making eye contact with anyone.

"Makes sense. Since he's the only one who hates Maria as much as you do," Jamie replied.

"And why is that, James?" Colin asked, looking up at Jamie with cold eyes. "She treated all of us like shit but only me and Iggy are smart enough to do something about it."

"Colin," Mickey sighed, sitting on a block of wood and pulling it next to Colin. "I know you think that since you killed Terry you gotta kill Maria too but she hasn't done shit yet. She hasn't said a word or hurt anybody."

Colin looked at Mickey. "She hurt you."

"Nah, she didn't. That was fuckin' Kash 'N Grab."

Colin laughed unbelievably and put the gun down, looking at Mickey as if he was the dumbest person in the world. "Why the fuck would he do that to you?"

Mickey hesitated for a second before remembering that that son of a bitch stabbed him, so why should he keep the secret of his? "I caught him cheating on his wife once. With a dude."

Colin snorted and rolled his eyes. "Does Kash fucking look like he has the balls to come up with the idea of stabbing you?"

"Honestly, no."

"You're right, because it wasn't him. Maria fucking hired him to do it, you idiot."

"God, Colin," Jamie sighed dramatically, rolling his head back. "You're such a fucking nance. Why are you so paranoid? I mean look at you and your goddamn theories."

"It isn't a theory," Colin snapped. "It's a fact."

"Alright, where's your proof?" Mickey asked. He spotted a beer on the table and picked it up, downing it. Colin watched him.

"You want proof? Go fucking ask her yourself."

"Why don't we just go ask Kash?" Jamie suggested. "Probably easier to find than Maria."

"Ask whoever the fuck your heart desires, I know what I know." Colin loaded the gun and cocked it, aiming at the wall ahead of him. "And what I know is right."

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