~30~ A Wyrd Wednesday

Start from the beginning

"No problemo." I shrug her glare stare off me and keep moving.

I swear on the Sea and everything I hold sacred, as we pass away from the little church lady actually takes two hooked fingers and stabs at herself in the eyes. Then turns her twisted little clawed fingers of death right around at me and mouths silently, "I'm watching you!"

"I love Mrs. Saint C, she's so nice." May smiles wistfully, completely unaware of the silent death threat being made in my general direction.

"Well, she certainly seems to like you too." I have no reason to disagree with her point of view.

Truth be told, I don't have the heart to tell her I think that her Saint might be slightly psychotic, not to mention a very poor parent. I mean this little crazy lady did let her daughter marry a boy named Buzzard after all? But then again, maybe her daughter was seriously messed up in unimaginable ways. Like maybe she used to be in prison for killing puppies or something truly awful. Or maybe her daughter used to be a dude named Christian who went to Thailand on vacation and came back as Christina? After all according to Aces, Buzzy was in the Navy ...not that there's anything wrong with that? Even though Aces always smirks when he adds the traditional martial disparagement of the seafaring warmongers.

I cautiously escort May up the stairs into the halls and down the way to her locker. Which turns out is a nice tall double wide "special locker" at the end the F wing hallway, and conveniently located right next to the handicapped-accessible restroom. It seems to me that her locker is about the most inconvenient located in terms of a central locale to her classes. But then again it's also located right next to the only handicapped restroom on campus? Which I am thinking might be intentional, seeing that no one else is going to use it for convenience sake.

"Okay, so this is me." May smiles slowly. "So if you don't mind I think I gotta go. You know, freshen up my make up?"

"Okay. So I'll just wait here and walk you to class." I counter.

"That's really not necessary, Dare." She shakes me off with a smirk. "My next class is just down the hall from here. So you can just..."

"Naw not, it's totally cool." I quickly cut off her banishment. "Trust me my next class is a joke, and your buddy Mrs. St. Claire said I have to come to the office to get a late slip anyways. So in order to do the late slip thing, I kind of need to be late? So if it's all the same, I'll just hang with you, if that's cool?"

"It's your funeral, Mr. Misadventure." May quirks a smirk as she pushes through the door to her throne room. "So Bee-R-Bee."

It's not too long before May emerges from the bathroom. Maybe it's my imagination that tells me she is happy that I am sticking around to escort her around.

"Do I look okay?" She smiles, steeling herself for critique.

"Perfect." I try to put an extra smile sound into my voice because she really does look perfectly Maybe. With her pixie cut sort of spiked up, and rocking her dark Sith nightshades. It's not the first time I've noticed that she kind of has elongated "elfy" ears. But I have to suppress the sudden impulse to reach out and rub them once for luck. Something that I am pretty sure could get me a bad case of the beats with her Shaolin whippy-stick of death.

"Okay, The Infamous Mr. Dean, let's dance with the devil." May snorts and extends her hand for me to take and lead her astray.

Tap dancing with May down the eerily lifeless hallways, devoid of their usual clamor is an oddly interesting experience. Unlike our last dance at the movies, I don't lead her so much as follow along in her wake, as her walking stick taps echoes out onto the tiles and back. I am starting to get a better sense of why she has trouble echo-navigating the crowded hallways of Hell. It's not only the jostling of bodies throwing off her equilibrium, but the constant yelling people. Not to mention, the sharp startling reverberations from the slam-bang of lockers, that interferes with her echo ability to navigate. But in the absence of all that noise...

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