Moving In...

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Yoru's POV              SIDE NOTE underlined is her speaking in English! (dog above is Athena)

Welp i'm walking home... alone... in the rain. Someone forgot to pick me up from the airport *cough cough* Hikaru and Kaoru *cough cough* But then again I don't really mind, rain is nice. What I do mind is dragging all of my stuff behind me, I don't want it getting wet. Athena is happily walking next to me, enjoying the rain. Until... *CRASH* loud thunder rolls through the sky, making Athena freak and run off. 

"Athena! No come back girl!" I shout, ditching my belongings and chasing after her. "Athena!" While running i'm getting blinded by the rain, and I suddenly see Athena knock down a little kid. Shit! A really tall person grabs Athena and picks her up. I quickly run up.

"I-i'm so sorry!" Quickly realizing i'm speaking in English I switch to Japanese. "I'm terribly sorry! She's scared of storms." I go down on my knee and help the little blonde to his feet. "Are you alright?"

I see tears in his eyes as he stands up, he looks at me and his eyes widen slightly, blushing. "Y-yea..."

I smile and ruffle his hair before standing up. "Th-thank you for catching my dog.." I say as he hands me Athena. She's pretty big for a german shepard, but I still carry her all the time. "I'm Yoru, again i'm sorry for all of this."

"That's okay~!" The blonde says, bouncing. "I'm Mitsukuni, but you can call me Huni~ This is Takashi, but people call him Mori."

The one named Mori nods his head to me. "It's a pleasure to meet you." I say, doing a small bow. "U-um if you'll excuse me I have to get my bags.." I wave before turning and going back the way I came, going to my luggage. Once I get there, I put Athena on the leash and start walking again. 

The storm is getting worse, and Athena is freaking out, so I start running. Once I get to the house... excuse me, I mean mansion, I walk in and stand there. Looking around, all of the memories come back to me. Next, my two brothers come down the staircase with three other people.

"Why're you here?" They both say once they see me.

"Oh i'm sorry, you forgot to pick me up." I sneer, and move to the side as someone knocks on the door. Mori and Huni walk in and look at me.

"Yo-Chan! What're you doing here?" Huni asks me, happy.

"I live here?" I question and shake it off. "You guys are probably the host club, am I correct?"

"Yes we are my lovely kitten!" A taller blonde says, bounding down the steps and over to me. "And who might you be~?"

"No boss!" Hikaru and Kaoru shout.

"Don't touch her!"

"She's poisonous." They both spit out, glaring at me. The blonde backs up, believing their words.

"Well I see you haven't changed one bit." I say and start walking upstairs with my bags. 

"Dogs aren't allowed inside." They both say, watching me.

"Then why're you inside?" I reply as I get to the top. They ignore me and push their friends down the hall. I scoff and go to my room... which is bright pink. Oh dear lord. I set my bags down and start pushing everything to the middle of my room. "I'll stay up all night if that's what it takes." And I set to work.

Timeskip to midnight

DONE! Well, sorta.. the walls have to dry. I painted my room~ All of the walls are a dark midnight blue, while one wall is blue and white plaid. I'm proud~ 

I take a shower, getting most of the paint off, and changing into a yellow plaid blouse with jean capris. Putting my hair into two pigtails I make my way downstairs. The whole mansion is dark, so I don't think anyone's awake. God was I wrong ...-_- Hikaru and Kaoru are having a sleepover with the host club, and they're up watching movies. Well, most of them are, I see that Hikaru, Huni, the overly happy blonde, and the girl is asleep, but Kaoru, Mori, and a guy with glasses is still awake. 

I walk through the movie room, going to the kitchen, and just as i'm sneaking through lightning and thunder boom outside, waking everyone up. Huni and the girl are in tears... The blonde is helping the girl with Mori is comforting Huni.

"Y-yo-Chan!" Huni says, getting up from the floor and coming over, glomping me.

"H-huni?" I whispered, hugging him. We only met today and he's already clinging to me. Sweet.. "Wh-what are you doing?" I look down at him, his face buried in my chest.




WHAT? My whole face turns red as I gently and quickly pry him off.

"I-i'm scared Yo-Chan.." He mutters, hugging my leg.

"Ew she's here." Hikaru and Kaoru say, seeing me. I cringe slightly, granted I don't show it much, their words still hurt.. I pass Huni off to Mori without saying anything and go to the kitchen, hearing my brothers snicker as I leave.

"Why are you so mean to her?" I hear the girl question.

"Because she was a mistake." Was their answer... I feel something wet on my cheek and place my hand against it. I'm crying. I grab a snack and go back through the room, heading for the stairs, but before I can leave the room, someone grabs my hand. Thinking it's one of my brothers I quickly pull away and run upstairs to my room.

I talk to myself as I start pushing everything back into place in my room. "Let's see... that's one, two three, four, annnd five insults today? Yeah.." I unpack my clothes and pull out a box, smiling at it sadly. Sitting on my bed, I open it and read the hate notes my brothers sent me before getting to my prize.... I pick up the switch blade and open it, holding out my wrist, counting as I cut myself. One.. two... three... four.. and five. I frown as blood drips down my arm. Just like old times.... I feel more tears fall as I lay on the bed, curling up.

Completed Editing - 7/10

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