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Wake up,Tyler.
"Mhm." Tyler mumbled in annoyance.
Why do you have to do this?
I told you,you had one day. Times up.
I don't even get what that means.
Tyler felt hands on his back and was forcefully pushed out of his bunk.
"GOD!" He hit the floor.
He looked up to his bunk,no one.
I already have your head,Tyler. Now I'm taking your body.
Stop. Why are doing this to me?
And when I'm done with you,Josh will destroy himself.
No! I'm the winner! If this is a game,I get to win!
I know the cheat codes,Tyler.
Get out of my head!
You've got one way out of this.
You know.
No,I won't.
You will.
Tyler stood up and went to the bathroom.
Where are you going? It's not like you can escape your own head.
I want to kill you.
You can't kill what in your head unless you kill your body.
No! That's not true! Stop it! Just stop everything!
I'll do whatever I want!
That's the problem,Tyler. You think too much. Why do you think I'm here?
Wait,I made you up. That means I can control you. Does that mean I'm making all of THIS happen? But,this isn't what I want.
You can't control me.
Tyler got chills on his back.
He saw something black blink. In the mirror.
A black hand was on his shoulder.
I'm real now.
Tyler's eyes widen. He turned around quickly,no one.
He felt a tap on his shoulder.
He turned back around.
Tyler jumped back,almost falling. He ran out I the bathroom to Josh's bunk to wake him up.
"Josh. Josh! Josh, you gotta help me!"
He pulled back his curtain.
No one was there.
He pulled back the curtains of all the other bunks.
Absolutely no one was on the bus.
Except for Tyler and-
You can't stop this,Tyler.
What did you do to him?
Tyler's heart felt like if was being torn out of his chest.
He's a goner,Tyler.
"No,no,no!" Tyler put his hand on his neck. His throat was closing. His head was pounding.
"He's-he's everything to me! He was the only thing between me and you!"
Oh well, now it's just us.
"You're so mighty,why don't you come out of my head and fight me like a real man?"
Haha you really think I want to fight you? I want you to fight yourself,Tyler,that's been the whole plan from the start.
Tyler gasped for air.
A black figure appeared infront of him.
His red eyes peering into Tyler's soul.
"You have to stop this. Who are you and why do you want me dead?"
"Don't worry about it,Tyler."
Tyler stumbled back on the floor.
He struggled to get back up and he ran off of the bus.
He opened the door.
"What? No. No,this can't be happening."
Everything was white. No ground,no sky...no Josh.
Face it,Tyler.
He flashed infront of Tyler.
"I'm everywhere."
Tyler ran towards him with his fist pulled back.
He flashed behind him an Tyler swung at nothing.
"Let's see,I have your mind,your body,and now I guess-your world."
Tyler turned around and walked towards him slowly.
"I'll never do it."
"You will if I say so,I control you."
Tyler got in his face.
"I'm. Not. Scared."
"Don't lie,Tyler. You're scared of everything."
He flashed behind him again.
"You're practically a child."
"God,I wish I WAS a child! Before you came along I was fine!"
He turned towards him.
"Now your just,'fine'."
"Now I'm just-just-"
"Stressed out?"
"Don't you dare!"
"Wish we could turn back time."
"To the good ol' days."
"When our mamas sang us to sleep-"
He flashed behind Tyler.
"But now were stressed out."
He whispered in his ear.
Tyler turned around and swung,surprised his hand didn't just go through him.
He fell and looked up at Tyler.
"I WIN!" Tyler went to kick him.
He grabbed his leg,pulling it out from under him and stood up.
He pinned Tyler down.
"Remember all those good memories with Josh?"
Tyler struggled under his grip.
"They're about to become history."
Tyler's voice cracked. Everything around him flashed.
He saw Josh. He saw himself. He saw his mom,his siblings,his dad. Everything that used to be was no more. It was over. The only thing he didn't see was-
Wait a second!
Tyler sat up gasping for air.
He panted as looked around.
He was in his bunk.
He climbed out and looked around. 
Where did you go?
No response.
No cryptic remark? 'Oh I haven't gone anywhere,Tyler. You can't escape me.'
Crap like that?
He walked towards Josh's bunk and knocked on the wall.
Josh pulled the curtain back.
Tyler grabbed Josh and hugged him tighter than he ever has.
"Josh,I missed you so much. He-he was real and he took you from me-he took everything from me. I-I don't know where he went and I was so scared,Josh. I need you. I need you between me and him."
"Tyler,Tyler. I know. You've been between him and me this whole time."
Tyler let go and looked at Josh.
"Yeah,Tyler,he's gone now."
"We defeated Blurryface."

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