he isn't gay

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I wake up and groan as all the pain from the day before hit me. I try to stand up but yell in pain. I hear footsteps start to run down the hall and stop at the door. The door flings open and there stands a concerned Michael. He ran over and sat me back down on the bed.

"Luke, you can't move. You need to rest for a couple of days. Those guys really did a number on you." He said as he sat down next to me.

"Michael, I have to use the restroom." I say, my face turning red in embarrassment. He chuckled and sighed.

"Okay, I'll bring you over but I can't go in with you. I am not gay." Michael chuckled. It came as a rush to me.

Michael isn't gay.

"Yeah, I know." I say and he picks me up. He carries me to the bathroom that is in the bedroom and opens the door. He sets me down and my face scrunches up in pain. I close the door and do my business. After I finish washing my hands, I start to walk over to the door. As I was close to the door, I felt my foot hit a puddle of water and I slipped. I fell to the ground and howled in pain.

"Luke! What happened? I heard a loud thud and you yell in pain." Michael said, pounding on the door.

"I slipped in a puddle of water." I managed to get out as I laid on the floor in agonizing pain.

"Luke can you open the door? I need to get in to help you." Michael said. I look down and see blood surrounding me. My eyes start to close as the blood flows out of my body.

"M-Mikey." I stutter out as my eyes close and I feel my body go limp.


"M-Mikey." I hear Luke stutter and then silence. I knock on the door again.

"Luke?" I say as I jiggle the door knob.

"Luke!" I yell. I start to bang on the door. I run out of the guest room and into Calum's room. I run over to him and shake him roughly.

"Mum five more minutes." He says rolling over.

"It not your Mum dumbass. I need your help busting the guest room restroom door down now." I say as I rush out of the room, back into the guest room. I hear Calum's footsteps walk into the room and he walks over.

"Why do we have to bust down the door?" Calum asks still half asleep.

"Luke went to the restroom and washed his hand. I then heard a loud thud and Luke yell in pain. He stopped responding to me about five minutes ago and I am worried. We need to break it down." I said and Calum was awake. We backed up and ran towards the door. We shoved our shoulders against it three times before it opened. I looked in to see Luke, unconscious, with blood surrounding him.

"Oh my god." Calum said and we rushed over to Luke. I lifted him up and ran him the "doctor's office."

The doctor's office is a room in Calum's house that has a bunch of medical stuff. They only have it because Calum always gets hurt because he is playing football or he was in a fight. I set Luke down on the table and grab some gauze, cotton balls, and disinfectant.

After I was done wrapping Luke's side up, I bring him back to the guest room. I hear a scream from the restroom and run in. Mali is staring at the blood that Calum was cleaning up.

"What happened?" Mali asked as tears fill her eyes. Calum looks at me with pleading eyes. I nod and wrap my arm around Mali's shoulder. She looks up at me and sniffs.

"Luke fell while he was in the restroom this morning. He is in the bed now." I say and she runs into the bedroom. I give Calum a sad smile and follow Mali. I walk behind her as she cries over Luke.

"Mali, Luke isn't dead. I fixed him right in time." I said and she nods.

"I thought you were supposed to be a bad punk boy. What happened to that?" Mali asks as she wiped her eyes. I looked down at Luke and smiled.

"Luke. He brings out the good in me I guess." I look down at her and she has amusement in her eyes.

"What?" I ask her and she smiles.

"You like Luke." She said and my face dropped.

"Mali, I am straight." I told her, trying not to show her how nervous I was.

"Dude, I have seen you around Luke and when you aren't. Even when you are across from him in the cafeteria and someone goes close to him, you have this really jealous look on your face. Unless someone calls him something and you look like you wanna rip their head off there body. I notice things. You are either gay or bi." Mali says and looks back down at Luke.

"Mali, please don't tell anyone." I begged her and she looked up at me. She smiled wide and her eyes held excitement.

"I won't but you should tell Luke that you like him." Mali said to me.

"No way. I don't even think he likes me like that." I tell her.

"Michael-" Mali is cut off by a loud groan. We both look down to see Luke's eyes open.

"Luke? Are you okay?" I ask him as I held him sit up. He winces and nods.

"This is all my fault-"

"Mali, stop saying it's your fault. It is anything but. I am glad that I took the hits instead of you getting them. I love you Mal, so I protect you for danger." Luke cuts her off. She stares at him and bursts into tears. He brings her into his arms and she starts to cry harder. I look up and see Calum with a sad smile on his face. I walk over to him and he gives me a hug.

"I over heard Mali's and your conversation. I don't give a fuck that you are gay."


1080 words

there you go guys! chapter 3 of the prep and the punk. I hope you guys enjoy and comment, vote and follow me please!

remember i love you guys and you are all worth it<3


The Prep and the Punk • muke clemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now