Leorio nodded. "Of course you can. You're so strong, you can bare with anything. I know you can. And I'm here right by your side if you need me."

Kurapika looked up at him with a smile. "Thanks...Leorio. I love you."

"I love you too. " Leorio said, placing his fingers on his cheek and caressing it. "You're probably hungry. I'll make you a sandwich." He stood up, walking into the kitchen.

"Thanks, Leorio!" Kurapika yelled out, looking down at his necklace. He then walked to their room, keeping his white pants on but putting on his 'Leorio is Mine' T-shirt. He walked back into the living room, sitting down on the couch. Leorio came back with a sandwich, knowing that he would still be hungry afterwards. After Kurapika ate the sandwich, he scratched the back of his head and chuckled quietly. "I'm in the mood for chocolate."

"We can share pocky." Leorio said with a smile, getting up to go into the kitchen again and getting a package of pocky, then sitting back down on the couch next to Kurapika.

The doctor took out one pocky, putting one end of it in his mouth and Kurapika putting the other end into his. Although when they moved closer to each other, the pocky snapped in half.

"Damn it!" Kurapika shouted, but chewing the pocky in his mouth and then swallowing it. "Let's try again."

Leorio nodded after swallowing his half of the pocky, taking another one out. This time he let Kurapika put it in his mouth first, then putting the other end in his own mouth. As the two came closer again, the chocolate flavored pocky snapped once again.

Kurapika pouted. "Why can't we do it!" He whined childishly.

'Mood swings and cravings at the same time? The struggle...' Leorio thought to himself. "I don't know. The pocky doesn't like us."

After 5 more unsuccessful attempts, Kurapika wanted to try it one more time. They put the pocky in their mouth simultaneously, moving close to each other slowly. The couple finally managed to kiss with the pocky in their mouth.

Leorio pulled away, feeding Kurapika pocky. "Is this enough for you? Or do you want actual chocolate?"

"You can buy me more chocolate?! Yay!" Kurapika jumped onto Leorio's lap, hugging him tightly.

"Do you want to come with me?" Leorio asked him.

Kurapika nodded, getting off his lap and pulling Leorio up with him. "Let's go!"

Leorio chuckled quietly, holding his hand. The couple walked to a chocolate shop not too far from the house, Kurapika looking at all the kinds of chocolate and picking out about 5 or six candy bars.

"You know you have to eat healthy as well..." Leorio mumbled under his breath, scratching the back of his head.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Kurapika yelled at his husband, everyone else in the shop looking at the couple weirdly.

Leorio put his hands in front of him. "I'm sorry my love..." he said with a long sigh. "I just figured I let you know..." he said, paying for the chocolate candy bars and walking out with Kurapika.

Kurapika looked up at him, holding his hand and using his other hand to eat the chocolate bar. "Why did everyone in there stare at us like we were crazy?"

"Because they heard you yell at me like a child. They don't know you're pregnant so they don't understand." Leorio stated, walking back to the house and holding the door open for him.

"I guess that's true.." Kurapika sighed, walking inside and finishing the first chocolate bar, then starting the second.

'I can't tell when he would have a mood swing...I don't always want him yelling at me when I tell him to do something...' Leorio thought to himself. "That's your last chocolate bar for today, Kurapika."

"Why?" Kurapika asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Because it isn't healthy for our baby." Leorio said, scratching the back of his head.

"Are you telling me what to do?" Kurapika asked, standing up and his eyes flashing scarlet.

'D-damn it...I'm gonna get killed...!' Leorio thought to himself, sighing. "Yes, I am..."

Although Kurapika didn't attack him, just started to make a mess by flipping over the couch, then the table and chairs in the kitchen.

"K-Kurapika take it easy! You're making a mess!" Leorio shouted, but the blonde did not listen. He opened the cabinets, grabbing everything and throwing it out.

This continued for hours; Kurapika making a mess in every room in the house. But he grew tired, his eyes going back to its grayish blue and falling asleep. Leorio sighed in relief, picking his husband up and walking to their bedroom, laying him down on the bed.

Leorio walked out of the bedroom, starting to rearrange and clean up the house starting with the living room. "He's so much work to put up with..." Leorio sighed as he fixed the couch, then walking into the kitchen. "Those mood swings and scarlet eyes mix is not a good thing..." he mumbled, putting all the spices and other food products back inside the cabinet.

It took Leorio hours to fix every room in the house back to normal, and he was exhausted. He walked into their bedroom, falling onto the floor and instantly falling asleep.

Kurapika opened his eyes, looking over at Leorio. "Leorio! Are you alright darling?!" He got off the bed and walked towards Leorio.

Leorio opened his eyes. 'He never remembers anything after they happen...' he thought to himself, yawning. "I told you to eat healthier for the baby since I told you to stop eating chocolate. Next thing I know your eyes go scarlet and you're making the house a mess." He sighed, standing up and sitting down on the bed. "So I had to clean the house."

"I'm sorry..." Kurapika rubbed his forehead. "This whole pregnancy thing is making me crazy." He sat down next to him.

Leorio rubbed his eyes. "It's fine...I'm just going to have to deal with it. I'm the one who got you pregnant, so I guess this is what I get." He chuckled quietly.

Kurapika laid down, pulling Leorio beside him. "You must be tired. Let's get some sleep together..." he whispered, but Leorio was already asleep which made him laugh, then falling to sleep himself.

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