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"What? I asked still in shock of the words that came out of her mouth. "Who's the guy."

"Your dad," She replied nervously her voice shaking.

"What?!" I yelled standing up from my seat. "How long has this been going on for?"

"Ever since I first met your father," She replied looking down at her hands placed gently in her lap. 

I clenched my teeth, walking straight towards the door. Paying no attention to my name being called behind me, I swung the door open and walked out slamming it behind me. 

I walked as far as I could for as long as I could stopping at a very familiar place. My old school. It was a Monday which meant school was on today. Gemma and Mia took a day off today to welcome me back. I walked past the school,  to a park I used as a get away for several years. 

I sat down on one of the swings and let out a deep breathe. I swung gently back and forth. 

How dare she. I respected Kayla. I really did, but now, after knowing that Kayla and my dad have been having an affair since the first time they met. This was truly ridiculous. I can't believe her. The first time Kayla met my dad was when my mother brought dad home to meet her family. Kayla and my dad had an affair right under her nose.

No wonder Kayla took me in and raised me as one of her own. No freakin' wonder. She wanted me to be comfortable with her when she told me about this. No wonder she has no husband. 

How did Kayla then have kids? Sh*t!. No. No. No. No. This can't happen. What if Mia and Gemma were then my half sisters. No. That's disgusting just thinking about it. 

"Laura?" A familiar voice said from behind me, making me turn around and face him.

Jamie. What the hell is he doing here.

"Jamie Foster," I said turning back around. "What brings you 'round to the park of the sh*theads. Isn't that what you called it?"

"Laura," He sighed taking the swing next to me. "I'm sorry."

"Ha. I leave for what? 2 months and you're already apologizing. Maybe I should leave forever and literally this whole town will be apologizing." I sarcastically smiled at him. "Tell me Jamie. Who possessed you?"

"I didn't know you had a sh*t attitude," He smirked. 

"Maybe you would've if you hadn't have ignored me literally your whole high-school life," I retorted.

"Listen Laura," He sighed running his hands through his hair. "I really am sorry."

"Hi Sorry," I smirked. "I'm Laura."

"Seriously Laura, i'm really sorry," He sighed looking at me. 

"Ok Sorry, I get the point."

"Laura please" He pleaded. "Just give me a chance."

"Why are you even here?" I asked avoiding his statement. Frankly, I didn't want to give him a chance. "Shouldn't you be at school?"

"I...um... got expelled." He scratched the back of his head. 

"Of course you did," I said standing up from the swing and walking over to a tree and sat down under it. He joined me sitting down next to me. "I knew you would get expelled some day. I was surprised they didn't expel you the day you threatened to punch your girlfriend."

"My girlfriend," He let out a small laugh. "She was a joke."

"Why did you go out with her then?" I asked leaning my head against the tree trunk. 

"If I told you, you would never believe me," He closed his eyes and sighed. 

"Try me." I said confidently. This was the most I have talked to Jamie since we first started at the school. 

"Alright then." He smirked at my confidence. "My dad was never with the idea of us being friends. With you being a Sharpes and the reputation of your family throughout the years. My dad said that if I stayed friends with you he would make me change schools. Alicia and I were childhood friends and when he found out that Alicia went to the same school as me he made us date each other which totally ruined our friendship. I honestly didn't think dad was serious and that he would forget after a week or two, but then I started becoming popular and you started becoming 'uncool', which by the way I never believed was true."

He took a deep breath and began again. "I forgot about our friendship and began to follow what everyone else did to you. Ignore you. Bully you. Hate you. I still liked you and I wanted us to be friends again, but I couldn't bring myself to ever say goodbye to my popularity." 

"So you choose your popularity over a girl, who has been best friends with you ever since you were in kindergarten. Smooth. Real smooth."

"No listen," He interrupted shaking his head. "I wanted to be friends with you again, so I started off small, like the time I asked you for a pen. Trust me when I said I had a pen.  I knew you had one as well. You always had three in your pencil case. Always. You would never give your pens to people who you didn't like. I remember you telling me that. That's why I got angry. Because I knew I had lost your trust. So I started to ask you for a pen everyday until you finally thought that you could trust me again, but then a week later, you stopped coming to school. I was left feeling that something bad happened to you."

"Something did," I said with no expression evident on my face. "You."

"Please let me finish," He pleaded sighing. "So I went to your house. Kayla was nice enough to let me in after everything that happened between us."

I let out a small laugh at the sound of the traitors name. Kayla. 

"She said you had moved to London and you weren't coming back for another two months. So I waited. My grades had started dropping which was foreign to my family. I got kicked out of my house. Lucky I had a small job, and was able to pay enough to rent a small apartment. My parents still paid for my school fees hoping that my grades would pick up soon, but they never did. I started to ditch school and started small drug dealing around the place. One of the teachers found drugs in my locker and I got kicked from the school the next day."

"I told you to explain why you started ignoring me. Not your life story." I sighed.

He huffed. "I like you. I really do. Maybe even more than friends. I always have. I always will."

I snapped my head towards him. What the f*cking hell.



Here's another update for you. A lot of shite is going on in these chapters. In the next chapter Laura will do something out of the ordinary for her and hopefully I will surprise you guys. 

Anyways Comment, Vote and Follow

Until next time


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