Playing With Chance - Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

A poker face is a tricky thing.  If you wipe your face of too much emotion then people always start to suspect something.  Instead you do your best to ignore all the people around you and pretend you are use to the attention.  Act like it is an everyday thing.

After a few minutes people turned their attention away from me and my nice ass to do whatever it was they were doing before, and I took me and my nice ass to my locker to get what I needed for the day.

Again, I know that I am cocky, but is that really an issue when I'm perfectly willing to admit that I am? I mean, if I'm so cocky there has to be a reason right?  

And there is.  I'm awesome.

Who doesn't like big blue eyes, long brown hair and a lovely figure.

I rounded the last corner to get to my locker and found the real reason people were staring at me today, leaning on a locker just across from mine talking to a few people.

At first my plan was to ignore him but that was really hard when he started to say something about me.

Not that I was paying enough attention to him to actually hear what he was saying, I just heard something about a girl who had the guts to insult him and my head shot up from where it was buried in my locker.

That wasn't the best idea, and I thankfully only hit my head on my jacket.

I slowly pulled my head out of my locker and stood up to walk away.  I neither cared nor wanted to hear what he had to say about me.

It is interesting that he is talking about me though.

Wonder what that means.

Am I getting under his skin more then I thought?

The thought made a small, satisfied, smile to creep it's way on my face the longer I thought about it.

In my classes I made sure to talk to all the teachers and sit in the back where it would be harder for my nosy bitches, I mean class mates, to stare at me.  

I liked bolt seats anyway.  The seat closest to the door was way easier to get out of the classroom from.

Nobody talked to me and I talked to nobody.  

Just the way i liked it.

By lunch I was happily glaring at the whole cafeteria from the same seat I occupied yesterday.

Yes, I know that it was normally Chance's spot, but I didn't think he would sit here with me.  I annoyed him too much for something like that.

People had stopped staring at me and conversation no longer stopped completely whenever I entered the room.  It was turning into a better day then I thought it was going to be.

Just as that thought ran through my mind I heard a throat being cleared to the side of me.

I turned my head slowly and let a delighted smile cross my face quickly.

"Prick!" I said with excitement, "It's so nice of you to join me.  I was going to bring you that gold star but I don't think you deserve it after you stomped off yesterday.  Throwing temper tantrums just isn't okay.  I know every one your age does it, but you don't need to follow their example," at the end I let just a little sternness enter my voice and nodded my head once for emphasis.

"Unbelievable," he mumbled under his breath, "I come over to eat my lunch and I find you."

"As I pointed out yesterday," I said looking up at him, "I am not stopping you from eating your lunch at this table.  I am simply sitting at it."

"I can't fucking sit at a table with you at it.  It would ruin my whole day."

I gasped at him in fake horror, "Prick!  Language!  And what have I always told you about nice words?"

He gave me the 'your crazy' look, and said, "You've never told me anything about using nice words.  I've known you for all of two days."

A little sniffle escaped me as I pretended to be hurt, "I can't believe you would forget.  I guess I'm going to need to remind you," I paused for a second and sighed, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," with the last part I shook my head at him.

Treating him like a little kid was really fun.  I wonder how long he can take it.

"You call me prick on a daily basis, and you're telling me to be nice?"

"Now Prick, it is not my fault that your mom gave you that name."

His eyebrows scrunched together in annoyance and disbelief, "My name is not Prick."

"Prick," I said in a warning voice that my mom had used on me a lot when I was little, "Lying is not nice."

"I'm not lying!" he insisted.

"Don't talk back to me.  You know better."

"Unfuckingbelieveable.  My name is not Prick my name is," he started before I cut him off.

"Prick!  Watch your mouth!  And didn't I just tell you not to talk back, or lie.  I don't know what's gotten into you," I shook my head in fake disappointment, "You know what?  I'm not even going to try.  If you can't do what you're told, you need to go to your classroom."

At the end of my speech I pointed to the doors leading to the rest of the school.

He stood there staring at me for a second.

Looks like he needs a little more prompting, "Now mister," I said in the most commanding voice I had.

To my great surprise, and amusement he shook his head, and started to walk out the doors I had indicated.

"and don't even think about ditching Prick!  I wouldn't want to take away tomorrows gold star but I will if I have to!" I called as he was walking away.

As I saw the doors close behind him I let a big grin fall onto my face.

Round three goes to me.

I.  Win.

Looking around the lunchroom I could see that once again I was the center of attention.

"You'll tell me if he ditches right?  It would be a shame to reward bad behavior just because I didn't hear about it," I once again addressed the whole school.

A few nodded their heads looking scared, and the others turned their heads quickly to look down at their food.

Needless to say, it took a while for conversation to pick up again.

I ignored the silence that surrounded me and picked up my banana.

This day hasn't turned out how I thought it would.

First I try to patch up my quiet kid reputation, and then I end up throwing all that work down the drain.

It was fun to throw it down the drain though.

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