Save me!

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The wind hit her face, turning her wet cheeks rosie pink, as she ran through the dense woods. Her feet fumbled across the tangled, snow white floor, tripping her and pulling her to the frozen icy ground.

She braced herself then took off once more running from it...


Her cold feet propeled her frowards not knowing where she was going, only knowing to find Casper. Her best friend who no one else knew excisted, because he had been living in the woods for as long as Ida had known him. Her father was the only other person to have seen him. Her father was the only other person she could have trusted.

The worst thing her father did was marry her step mother. She never liked her and never could. She had only ever told Casper why she hated the women, she never even told her father about the horrid day. 

Ida had sat with her father during his last breath. She had sworn that her step mother would pay for what she had done to her family. Whilst her fathers body had lay there Limp and pale. She had been scared for her life and ran from her home. She had left place she was meant to feel safest because it wasn't safe there anymore.

Her sore, buring legs carried her shuddering body through the frosted forest. Once again she hit the floor. She looked up towards where she had entered the now eerie sinister forest. She had enough of the constant sprint to her freedom, so she lay there unable to get up.

Snow drops fell through the black,thick blanket of stars and floated down on her disheveled figure. She felt her self go limp. Her heavy body collapsing in fatigue and shock. Her eye lids dropped to cover her chestnut eyes.


Piercing green eyes staring. Looking at her, scaring themselfs into her memory, A pair of eyes she could never forget.

Blinking black, to reveal an almost perfect image of her home. 

Almost perfect...

An emerald snake slithered towards her. Fangs out.

Her shooken strong scream circled the static sharp surroundings.

Before the knife-sharp teeth could puncture her pale skin, the picture of her house exploded up in orange glowing flames to reveal her fathers kind copper eyes and his neat, smiling lips that begin to whisper to her.

" Wake up Ida ... Wake up, Ida wake up"

She felt hands grab her shoulders and shake her.

Her mind awoke to reality



The voice rung around the trees, shaking her body awake.

Ida's eyes flashed open.

"Oh thank god your ok Ida, I thought I had lost you. Your breathing was so fast but your heart beat was slowing, Ida your freezing cold." The voice shook slightly in worry. She just stared up at him. His blue eyes pooled with tears. His nose, red bitten by the cold. His golden blond disheveled hair covering his face.

"Say something then" He smirked at her.

"Casper" She gasped relieved to see him. Her voice was raspy and quite. Her chest was heaving heavily.

"Why are you out here" He said pulling her shivering, ice cold body towards him. He quickly removed his large warm coat and covered Ida's body.

"My Dad he's ... she..." Tears flooded her face once more.

"It's ok Ida I'll look after you, lets get out of the snow first"

He grabbed her Backpack which Casper had given to her for this kind of situation.All it contained was a few cans of food, a spare pair of clothes and a knife; he slung it over his shoulders then lifted Ida off the ground and continued to carry her tired body through the dark, snow white woods. His footsteps quite and precise.

Casper had spent most of his life in the woods, his mother and father abandoned him when he was ten and now at the age of 20 he lived in a small cottage in the middle of the forest.

He spent his time fixing the small, broken cottage or hunting for his food.

Casper carried Ida all the way to the cottage. Ida Had her head buried in his chest the whole time, trying to calm herself down. At somepoint she had drifted off to sleep.

When she woke up she was greeted by the smell of well cooked meat and the musky sent of the woods.

She recognised the room straight away. The chipped brick walls, the  lit stone fire place, the brown, uncomfortable cushions of the worn out sofa she lay on and the old stove that stood with a large pot boiling on top of the hob. The meat cascaded the smell to her nostrils. 

This was Caspers cottage. The whole cottage was made up of three rooms. The main room which she was currently in which held the sofa, stove and verious other items needed to survive the woods. The tiny bedroom and the even smaller bathroom which was so small Casper had no choice but to build a toilet outside because he couldn't fit one in the room with the dirty, but as Casper said, did the job bath which he had to plug a load of hole in otherwise it would of flooded his cottage.

She looked around the room. In the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of the mirror, which looked haphazardly placed over the woodburner for convenience. In the still reflection she could see Caspers long figure lay on his bed. The bed had been made of six wooden boxes nailed together with  a worn out mattress thrown on top, covered by a thick blanket Ida had given him for christmas a few years ago, which even though it was worn, it was the only thing that protected his body from the lethal springs easing there way out of his manky mattress.

She smiled at the doopy, sleeping expression on Casper's face. A thought flashed into her head and a wicked smile stroked her features. She began to heave herself off the worn sofa quitely, tip toe-ing over to his bed. She held her face over his then screamed his name as loud as she could.


His body startled and he let out a small scream as he fell out of his bed. Ida began to tickle him senseless, he stuggled to breath through his booming laugh that shook the entire cottage. When she stopped the assualt they sat on the floor till the could stop laughing.

"At least I know your back to your old self" He chuckled. She giggled at him. Her face suddenly went serious.

"So why did you think it was a good idea to sleep when you are cooking" Ida said trying to keep a straight face.

"I would of woken up before it was done,you got heavy after a while you know, I was tired and so I took a nap" He said already knowing what she was going to say.

" Not true, do you rememeber last time you fell asleep whilst cooking. You caught the rabbit and said that because we had been running around all day hunting I should sleep whilst you cooked it. When I woke up, you where asleep next to me and the rabbit almost sent your cottage up in flames"She said laughing at him.

" Not my fault the stupid bunny wore me out more than I thought" He said pretending to be hurt. She poked her tongue out at him, he quickly retured the gesture.

Ida punched his arm playfully, laughing when he rubbed the abused spot, pretending she actually hurt him.

"Come on lets go eat" Ida said grabbing Caspers hand and pulling him up. She dragged him to the small stove and handed him a wooden spoon. He playfully hit her on the head with it then started to stur the stew.

When it was done,he poured it into plastic bowls that were sun faded green and grabbed two spoons out out of the cabanet that hung above his only counter.Which had been hand assembled and placed into his cottage.

He handed Ida a bowl and she dug in quickly.

She finished her food lighting fast and smiled at a gob smaked Casper. who glared at her and her empty bowl.

" What" She smiled, trying to act innocent.

" Your a pig" He said and a smirk crossed his face. Ida just giggled. He shook his head and slowly finished his food.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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