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I entered the cells looking for a few slaves because my father told me I had to. I saw two people in a cages. I walked over to them and read the paper on the cell. 'Darry; 18, Paisley; 17' I smile and tell the guard to unlock the cage. I motioned for them to follow me.

"Ma'am he can't move." The young girl said.

I turned and she pointed to the shackles on his ankle. I told to the guard and he took the off of  shackles on his ankle. He stood up and smiled.

"Thank you."

I nodded and we left the cells and headed back to my house. I felt the older sibling move closer to me and grab my hand. I didn't say anything as we walked in my house. I showed Paisley to her room and I smiled softly when it was just Darry and I. I then showed him to his room which was right access from mine.

"If you need anything Darry just let me know."

"Yea ma'am." He says then heads in his room.

I went down to my office and began the boatload if work that I need to get done for my company. You see my grandpa wanted to company to be in the hands of someone he loves and trusted that ended up being me. My father hates me for it, he tries to show his support but I know deep down he hates me for taking his dads company. I caught up with my work and I realized how late it was. I sighed and went to my room. I went and laid down on my bed and yawned. I have been so stressed and tired this felt good but I felt like I didn't need sleep so I laid there.

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