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Keanna's POV
Part 2

I turned around and said "Melia?" She laughed and said "you really did miss me didn't you?" "Mel!" I gave her a hug her eyes were a gold ish color. Then someone said "ohh come on we all know I have been her friend longer. We grew up on the Rez together." I smiled and said "Taylor!" "Miss me so much that you had to go all depressed on us now did ya?" Someone said "Taylor give her a break. She thought we were dead." I smirked and said "Jenna!" Jasper grabbed my arm and put me behind his back all the guys did that with their mates. I said "what are you doing?" "There is no way they would have know how to find you with out being told." Carlisle's phone rang and he answered it.

C- hello Sam.

S- three new wolfs just changed what's going on? Should I come over or is there something wrong?

C-yes you and the pack should definitely I'll let her know.

End of call.

I rolled my eyes and said "guys I trust them." All of a sudden there was a nock on the door then the door just opened my dad walked in with the guys behind him I rolled my eyes. Tena said "Paul." Paul noticed the voice and said "Tena?" In more of a growl then anything. They used to hate each other before we thought they had died. Jared was staring at Taylor. Quill was starring at Jenna. Seth was starting at Melia. Tena and Paul we're starting at each other I said "they didn't." Edward nodded and said "they imprinted on your friends who are vampires." Jenna said "hey kea, who are your new friends?" I smiled and said "their not my friends their my family both of them... This is my wolf side of the family and this is my boyfriends family who i love as my own." Tay said "they do have names right?" Jenna face palmed and said "anyway. I feel rude right now. So I'm Jenna, kea's best friend." Mel said "not funny Jen. So we were the friends involved in the accident as you saw.... I'm Melia." Tay said "I'm Taylor." Tena said "I'm Tena Black, Taylor's sister."


After introducing each other

Keanna's pov

Tay said "so what have we missed? Ohh have you shifted yet? Remember when my dad told us that we were descended from wolfs and you and Jake though they were story's while I thought they were true." Rose really liked to have the girls around I knew how she felt about being a mom and None of the girls had a mom except Tena before her mom died when tay was one. I'll talk to Rose about it later she would probably want them to live with the Cullen's. All of a sudden Jake walked in and said "hey, sorry I know I'm late and all but dad wouldn't let me out if the h- Tena? Taylor?" Tay said "Jakie!!!" Jake gave Tay a hug. Jarred growled Jake said "I thought you guys died-" Tena said "Jacob, what happened to your manners? When I 'died' did they go out the window? And where is your shirt?" The girls and I started laughing. Tay said "Jake, I think Tena just called you out again." Tena rolled her eyes. Jenna said "don't worry Jake, it might have been a year but nothing really changed with Tena" Tena said "hey." Melia said "I still can't believe we actually escaped." Jenna said "thanks to me." Tay said "can we not argue please." Jenna said "anyway... Kea, did you end up making the scrap book?" I nodded. Tay said "I bet the pictures looked awesome." Emmett said "you didn't see the pictures?" The girls shook their heads. Melia said "Kea wouldn't let us see them-" Tay said "she wanted it to be a surprise-" Jen said "of course that didn't end up happening." Tena said "Jane and Alec were making an army to over power Aro. They used a red headed vampire who had a deep hatred for a group of vampires near hear for killing her mate." Edward said "wait how could you possibly know that?" Jen said "spend a year down in a seller where Alec and Jane would talk to each other or the red head-" Tay said "they didn't think we would escape so they talked in front of us." Mel said "over powering them would be easier then most would think..." Jackson said "what do you mean?" Tena said "most of the Gard hates Aro leading them... They were the ones to free us they sent us here... They told us about your diet and lifestyle... They want the Cullen's to rule the vampire community... Jane and Alec just want their father back the father who doesn't know that they exist... The only Gard members who support Aro are his brothers... And their wives..." Dad said "so they want Aro out of power? Why don't they just leave?" Mel said "they can't just leave the Gard." Carlisle said "we don't want to fight against the volterri." Tena said "and we respect that so do the members of the Gard. They will wait till a war is at brew to have you take over." Alice said "what war?" Jen said "Aro doesn't like how big your coven has got. He thinks your trying to over power him and with the wolves on your side you very easily could-" Jake said "hold up. Who said we are on the vampire's side? We help them fight one fight against the red head and then we are a team?" I laughed and said "calm down Jake, i personally am on both sides of this matter. I love Jasper and the Cullen's as my own as well as the wolves considering they are my family so I would do anything for both sides of this." Jake said "that made no sense Anna." Tay said "when did you start going bye Anna? Jake, just because your dumb and don't understand a lot doesn't mean the rest of us didn't understand." I said "after the accident, it reminded me to much of you girls." Mel said "we thought you were a goner if I'm being completely honest." Dad said "girls talk about this later back on topic please." Jen said "right... So anyway... With the help of the wolves after an fight they pick with you all... You guys could easily win the Gard will start killing the six rulers..." Jackson said "how is Jane and Alec's father?" That's when the small girl from the video came out and said "Carlisle." Carlisle said "that's not possible I never had children." The girl said "you did actually. You and mother had 9 children." Then a boy came out and said "Jane and I being the youngest. You died when we were seven years of age." Carlisle said "why don't I remember my own children?" Edward said "because Aro wanted you to forget about them." Carlisle looked at Esmee who smiled at him and nodded. Carlisle walked up to the two vampires and put his hands on their cheeks, Carlisle said "I'm sorry I don't remember you... I will try to... I promise you that." The girl hugged him and said "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry for everything I've done. I've hurt your family so much I didn't want to hurt anyone I'm so sorry." If she could cry she would be. The boy rubbed her back Carlisle looked at her with a sad look and said "it's ok... " she shook her head and said "it's not I've killed thousands and if I didn't Aro would have killed Alec. I never should have sent Victoria after Bella... Aro told me to... I really am sorry the four of you never deserved to be vampires. I should have fought against Aro and his brothers..." Alec said "Jane-" Jane spun around and said "don't Alec, we both know it's true. We both know that the only reason Carlisle doesn't remember us is because Aro had Cassandra erase most of his human memories. The reason our siblings and the two of us are vampires is because Aro wanted our father to suffer. I will not stand by and watch this happen any longer I have watched for hundreds of years. I don't want to kill people anymore I never did... Alec, I can't live like this anymore. I don't want to be the secret weapon... I don't want to cause anymore pain I want my life back. I want to be happy... Why can't we be happy for once? Since we turned we haven't been happy... We haven't had a chance at happiness... We deserve that we deserve to be good... I want to be good... I want to see my siblings smile after so long. I want to have friends, a family, a life. I want to change Alec." Alec hugged Jane and said "I do as well Jane" Jane started singing (not a real song and if it is then I've heard it way to many times.)

J- Close your eyes

A- and sing me to sleep

J- I'll be there when you wake

A- for I love you my dear.

J- for I love you my dear.

A- And if I am not

J- I shall be in your heart

A- for I love you my dear.

J- for I love you my dear.

A- for I love you my dear.

J- close your eyes

A- and sing me to sleep

J- I'll be there when you wake

A- for I love you my dear.

J- for I love you my dear.

A-and if I am not

J- then I'll be in your heart

A- for I love you my dear.

J- for I love you my dear.

A- for I love you my dear.

A/j- close your eyes my dear ones...

Carlisle said "Jane. Alec." He then hugged them. Jane said "do you remember?" Carlisle said "your mother used to sing that song to all of you every night. You wouldn't sleep with out it Jane." Jane smiled and said "father!" Carlisle said "Tanya, Kate, Irina, Edward, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, Alec and Jane." Rosalie said "what are you talking about? I was human, I didn't know Carlisle until he turned me." Jasper said "I agree with Rosalie, I was born and raised In Texas." Dad said "if you'll excuse us this seams to be a family matter." I looked at Jasper and kissed his cheek. I said "I'll see you in the morning at the river." He nodded and said "I love you Anna." "I love you jazz." "My little wolf." "And my kind vampire." Emmett said "just kiss her and put us out of our misery." I smiled and said "don't be late." "Wouldn't dream of it." Then the wolves and I left.

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