You're Coming With Me

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A/N: YO! I hope you enjoy reading this fic, I'm not the best writing BUT...I try my best and I'm improving! :)


My family and I were exhausted over everything! Taking care of the kingdom was put a lot of strain on us, and we couldn't do what most people do. I couldn't remember a time when I spent quality time with someone, just because...I wanted to. I sighed and laid down on my bed. My family tells me everyday, if we don't protect our kingdom, the horrible creatures of the Nightosphere could attack on us. They say that those creatures are nothing but blood thirsty monsters who only want to bring harm upon the innocent in the world. They're going to attack the poor candy people if we don't constantly keep on a look out. It really hurts me that my own family feels that way about the Nightosphere creatures, because...Marshall's not any of those things! He likes to act mean and nasty, but he's really a sweetheart. I'm astonished by him. He does whatever he wants when he wants, without worrying about what others think. I wish to be like him one day and not care what my family thinks, but I can't because that would set a bad influence on the candy people and I'd be in a lot of serious trouble. I stopped pondering and looked at my clock. Better get some sleep so I can wake up on time for the royal meeting I have tomorrow with my family. I reached to turn off my lamp and pull a blanket on top of myself. I snuggled in and closed my eyes. I was slowly drifting off, but suddenly I felt the cold outdoor breeze from my balcony brush against my skin and felt a warm breathe trail down my neck. I wanted to scream, but didn't want to wake up the candy people. I slowly turned my head, but there was nothing. All of a sudden, Marshall came flying down from my ceiling, swooping me from my bed. "OH MY GLOB MARSHALL! WHAT THE GLOB!?" I yelled. Marshall made a shocked face and cupped my mouth. He then removed his hand and started laughing mockingly. "You should've seen your face!" He teased. I punched him lightly on the shoulder and grinned stupidly. He was holding me like a bride. I laughed. "What?" Marshall asked smirking. "'re holding me like it's our wedding day or something!" I bursting out laughing. "Oh glob, I am!" Marshall laughed. "Well, that's only because you're coming with me tonight, Bubba." He smirked. "What do you mean?" I asked...slightly worried. "You'll see." He grinned and flew out to the balcony. "Oh glob!" I yelled. "Hold on tight Bubba!" He said and flew off into the sky, still holding me. "AHHHH! MARSHALL!" I yelled. I was scared and unconsciously wrapped my arms around Marshall's waist and rested my head into his chest. I felt a lot safer now.

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