chapter 82

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"you okay? you've slept the whole way since the hospital" "hmm yeah,i mustve just passed out" "i bought you your pills and i bought a bottle of water" he said pulling over and giving me my pills and the bottle of water "thank you" i said before swallowing them "did you get yourself anything?" "no because i wanted to get back to you quickly,i was too worried to leave you for too long" "awe well thank you but i owe you a lunch" "you do?" "yes because you havent had your lunch yet" "well thank you but after i set you down and make you some lunch i'll have to be back at the school" my smile faded when he said that "but main thing is that i would be back in two lessons" "yeah but thats like one or two hours" "yeah but its one or two very quickly passing hours" i looked down "dont be sad" he said lifting up my chin while still driving "i'm not sad,i-i-i'm just disappointed" "in me?" "no in the hours of the day" he giggled and kissed me on the lips for a minute "i'll be back before you can say 'peter pan lives in neverland" i smiled and said "peter pan live in neverland" "See i told you" he said laughing still focusing on the road.

When we got to my house he picked me up out of the car and brung me inside "i'll lay you down and give you lunch then i'll head off" "okay" he sat me up on the couch "i'll be right back okay?" he said giving me a kiss on the forehead then heading to the kitchen.

Soon enough he came back to me and gave me my food while he had his food in his right hand "eat up" he said smiling as he saw me start eating and when he started eating he put his hand over his mouth "why do you do that?" "what?" "eat with your hand over your mouth" "because i dont like people seeing me eat,ive seen you eat with your hand over your mouth before" "true" we continued eating and chatting until we were finished eating and cleaning up the dishes.

"i have to go now babe" i smiled at him trying to be happy "have a good day at work!" i said giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek "i'll see you soon" he said grabbing his suitcase and giving me a kiss on the cheek "love you" "love you too" "bye" "bye" he walked out of the front door and off to work he went.

Michaels POV/ talk with Mr Calvin
As i arrived at the school Mr Calvin came up to me in the office where i was signing in "Hey Mr Jackson" "Hey Mr Calvin,how's it going?" "good thanks and you?" "good" "thats good,how's Michelle?" "shes good" "how did her appointment go?" "appointment? how did you know about her appointment?" "well you kinda disappeared on us and i knew it had something to do with Michelle and then Michelle's friend Taylor told me that Michelle had an appointment today for her bandage to come off" "oh that! yeah i took her to the hospital,she got the bandage off but her wrist is a little bruised so its going to take a while for it to heal" "oh okay,its great to hear that shes getting better" "yeah it is but the problem is that her parents are leaving her alone in the house for like a month" "oh do you know why?" "they're going to a party in Queensland" "oh! so are you her babysitter? because you've watched Michelle all those years and you know Michelle a lot more than anyone dont you?" "yes i am her babysitter and yeah i guess you could say that i know her more than anyone" "you know her past struggles" "yeah" "follow me,ive got a personal question" "okay??" i said suspicious and curious.

We walked to the car park "whats the question?" "did you ever have any feelings for Michelle?" "no way! why would you think that?!?" "because you've known her for so long and you seem to care about her so much and i also see her sneaking into your classroom by herself sometimes" "she only comes into my classroom when no one will speak to her or hangout with her" "so your her friend?" "yes,just her friend and i will forever only be her friend" "okay" "have you had feelings for Michelle?" he looked down "have you?" "yes i have" "Why?" "because the first time i saw her i knew she was going to be an amazing student for the year and then i started seeing you around and i was wondering why everytime she would always ask for help you would say that you would help her,its like you were her guardian at school,whenever she would ask or need to do something you would always say that you would take her" "only because she was way different to the other students,she had no confidence,she was shy all i wanted to do was make her feel safe" "well you did a good job of it"

I walked away and went to my class setting things up for the students then i heard a knock on my classroom door "shouldnt you be at home re-" i stopped mid-way seeing who it was...

Michael Jackson as my High School teacher (completed)Where stories live. Discover now