Chapter Three : Dance into the tune of Pulses

Start from the beginning

    It didn't took me long to find him, lighting up a stick as he leaned on a wall.

   "Mind if I borrow your lighter?" I asked as I walked out of the dark side of the street.

   He looked back and eyed me up and down before he smirked. "Sure, man."

   I took the remaining step to reach for his lighter. When he drew it out to me, I grabbed his hand instead and shoved him to the wall. I waited nothing and sank my fangs to his neck. I bit and drank. Bit and drank like this would be my last drink.

   To my surprise, I was pushed away by him. He looked at me with wide scared eyes. I could feel his blood spilling down from my lips down to my chin as I grinned at him wickedly.

   He shuddered and ran away, holding his neck with one of his hand. Before he could turn to another street, I was behind him. Holding his head and shoulder with my strong hands, I sank my fangs again and drink. I drank all of him this time. I let go of the skeleton in my hands and wiped the blood on my mouth with my left arm.

   I watched his remains to turn to nothing with my bright red eyes. I was still thirsty.

   My thirst was telling me to go back and take the girl with me so I could devour her. I fisted my hands and threw a few punches on the wall, nearing to break it down. I turned my attention to the lamp post beside me. I grabbed its metallic bar with one of my hands, cracks travelled like vines as I pulled it out of the ground. The lamp died, adding darkness in the street. I threw it forward then I walked away as I searched for my second victim.

   "Where did you go last night?" Was my father's morning greeting when I entered the dining hall the next day.

   After sucking the life out of my second prey and finally got sated, I head back in my room and tried to forget about the girl.

   "Somewhere." I dragged a chair out of the table and sunk down.

   Byo was eating a disgusting fish across me while my father humanly taking a sip on his soup.

   A servant walked and carefully put a bowl of noodles in front of me.

   "I'm not hungry." I pushed the bowl away and leaned further back to my chair.

   "I enrolled you in Byo's school."

   The sudden announcement of my father made me whipped my head towards him. He got all of my attention. What the hell was he thinking?

   "I'm going back to Alaska later."

   He shook his head. "Your things are in your room. I told my men to get them."

   I glared at him and sat straight. "I don't want to stay here."

   "I don't care, Ruki. You're going to stay here as long as I like." He glared back with a hiss.

   "What if I don't?" I challenged. I didn't like this bullshit.

   My father's brows shoot up and a smirked formed at one side of his lips. "You know what'll happen, so if you don't want that. You should obey me."

   He was playing tricks on me. He knew what buttons to push and he pushed too hard.

   It was the royalty.

   He was a royal of our kind, which made Byo and Me the same since we share the same shit in our system. The royalty gave us the incredulous strength, the impossible speed and all of the other crap. That made us looked upon by the regular kind of ours. They were like humans, but with a craving for blood. They were weak, incompetent and poor.

   With just one bite of my father, I would lose being a royal. And my sick father was always waving the flag of regular kinds when he wanted me to do something. Knowing I couldn't exist by not being a royal, he knew I would follow his command.

   I looked down at the table, working my head off. "One semester." I said through my greeted teeth.

   My father nodded and flashed a satisfied smile at me.

   I watched the humans as they come and go in the suffocating four corners of what they called canteen. I was now in the school my father was pushing me to go. I hated every second of it.

   At the corner of my eyes, I saw Byo grinning like crazy as he stared at me. I leered at him. "What?!"

   Byo snorted. "You're an ass."

   "Yeah? So are you."

   Umi, sitting beside Byo rolled her eyes at us.

   I looked around once again. "How could you even stay in this dine hall."

   "It's a school." Byo answered.

   I chuckled, because for a second he sounded like human.

   "Lots of drinks, yeah."

   "You don't have to breathe." Umi winked at me.

   I breathed. I burnt in thirst. I closed my eyes and pushed the hum away.

   A bell rang and the students immediately scattered out of the room.

   "You ready for this?" Byo asked as we stood up.


   He nodded and took Umi's hand in his. "You know where your room is?"

   "Yes! Stop acting like I'm a child!" I sneered at him.

   Byo laughed at my irritation.

   I walked towards the hall, not missing the whispered compliments over my mask and some inviting greetings of the human girls. I ignored all of them and head straight to the second floor, left wing.

   Standing outside the door of my class room, I clutched the door knob and swung the door open.

   The firs thing that hit me was not the students who looked back to see who entered. It was not the teacher at the front inviting me to walk in. It was not how neat and modern the room was.

   I was hit by that mouthwatering scent I tried so hard to forget. It hit me and almost knocked me out of my feet.

   I followed the scent coming from the rows of desk at the right by the window.

   "Please, come in." The husky voice of the woman pulled me out of my hunting.

   I walked to the front, leaving whispers again at my wake. I gave her my form and she asked me to introduce myself to the class.

   Sighing, I walked to the center and ignored the prey candidates bundled in front of me.

   "Ruki Matsumoto, nice meeting you."

   Another round of whispers together with gasps from the students.

   The gray haired woman looked down at my form then back at me. "It says here that you stayed in Alaska, how was it living there?"

   "Cold." I answered simply.

   Snickers came from the girls and boys, the teacher glared at them before looking back at me.

   "You can take the seat beside Ms. Hamasaki." She pointed her long thin stick at the right row of desks, where the savory scent was coming.

   I walked to that direction not because of the woman, but because of the scent.

   An empty desk beside someone where the alluring scent was coming, greeted me.

   I gave in and took my first step to my own personal hell.

   I sat down on my desk, the desk beside the girl in pink.

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