
To Warren:

-Gonna have to pass up the offer with going ape tonight :(
-passed out while hanging out w/ Kate

Read at 3:30

From Warren;
-it's okay, are you okay though? I'll just ask Brooke or Stella or someone, might just go by myself

To Warren;
-sorry bud
-maybe another time?

From Warren;
-yeah, feel better max:)

Max put her phone down on her table. Laid on her back. One eye closed and one staring at the floor. I miss Kate. Max's mind slowly started to drift.


Max opened her eye and picked up her phone.

From Kate;

Hey max, not to be annoying but I left my sketch book in your room I think, can you please find it so I can pick it up later?

To Kate;
-Yeah, of course, see you then bby

From Kate;

To Kate;
-It's like, 'baby' but way cuter.
-you can use bb

From Kate;
-(^^) thanks bb

To Kate:
-I'm changing your name to "bby"
-you're welcome:)

From Kate:
-you're something else, Max

To Kate;
-ttyl bby

Max pressed the details button, then the (i) button on the upper right side of her text with Kate. Edit, No More 'Kate. Max pressed the <x) on her keyboard till, 'Kate' was gone, replacing it with 'Bby Kate'. Max smiled at the nickname.
Max got up, searching for Kate's, no baby Kate's sketch book. Max walked over to her desk, were her computer sat. She then saw a college ruled notebook, with a white label saying, 'Kate Marsh'. Max picked it up. She won't mind if I looked through it right? Max opened the first page, to see Kate's child like drawings, with beautiful, bright colors. Max smiled. Kate's mind was so, pure, and colorful, she hated to see such an angel so, depressed. Max flipped the page to see a drawing off, everyone Kate knows, even Victoria, her minions, and Nathan. Max and Kate were in the middle, holding hands. Max smiled.

Warren looks funny, and cute

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Warren looks funny, and cute. Even Chloe was in the picture. Chloe. Max stared at the colorful, imaginative, drawing. Then flipped to the next page. It was drawing of hands, two hands, holding hands. Above the right side of one of the hands, Max could see a small, 'Kate' and above the other hand, said 'Max'. Cute. Max chuckled, Max could see a big drawing, taking up two pages on the next page. Max flipped the page. It was a drawing of Max, passed out in the nurses office, with a little writing piece at the bottom. Max Caulfield Praying that she's okay. Max smiled ear to ear. Kate really cares about her. On that same page, there were selfies that Max took and gave to Kate as a keepsake.


Max closed the book. "Who is it." Max got up and looked through the peephole to the face of an annoyed blonde. "Listen geekfield, I don't have all fucking day." Max opened the door with her right hand, scratching the back of her neck with her left. "Hey Victoria." Victoria stood, vexed. "Hi, So-" Victoria took it to herself to walk in. Victoria made eye contact with Max, with a straight face. "Did you have fun with your girlfriend Jesus girl?" Victoria pulled on her collar, still with the same expression. "Me and Kate, aren't dating." Victoria smirked, but then went back to normal, pissed off, unapproachable expression. "Sure." Victoria looked around Max's room. "Your room is a fucking mess. " Victoria said with a look of, disgust. "You took it upon yourself to come in." Victoria scoffed. "Well, I wanted to know if you were okay, but I'll just leave then." Max put a thumb up. "Okay, Talk to you whenever." Victoria rolled her eyes, and walked out. Max watched as Victoria left. Fuck. Max raised her hand, suddenly, came went backwards. Max watched as Victoria walked backwards into her room, then watched as her expression went from pissed off to disgusted. Max put down her hand. "Your room is a fucking mess." Max smiled, "Yeah Victoria, I know."

WELP! I wanted everyone to know that max still had her power things, I'll probably post chapter 4 tonight too, also @ the fact Victoria got all happy when max confirmed that Kate and her weren't dating 😜, but also at Kate drawing max and her holding hands :)
s'cute. welp. that's it, leave a comment, vote and all that good stuff (once again no spelling or grammar check so, sorry for that) au revoir (heh, goodbye until we meet again)

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