Chapter 7: The wicked witch of the west.

Start from the beginning

         I recognize him as Zay Babineaux, Lucas' friend, and he is one that I see hanging around him all the time.

          "You're not invited, Zay," Lucas states straightforwardly.

          His dark skinned, handsome friend pouts and drops his hands to his side. "But, why not?"

          "Awe," I coo. "I like him."

          Lucas's eyebrows perk up and he frowns. "No-"

          Zay interrupts him, a side smile tracing the corner of his lips as he smoothly strides towards my side.

          "I'm Zay Babineaux and I am very much available."

          I chuckle and cross my arms. "I know who you are."

          He giggles, and walks slowly to Lucas. "She knows my name."

          Lucas roll his eyes and his back stiffens. "Of course she knows your name. We have the same class and she sits right behind you."

          I raise my hand and punch his shoulder gently. "Hey, don't be rude to your friend."

          Zay snorts for a brief moment, then puffs out his chest. "Yeah, don't be rude to your friend."

          I once again laugh, and can't help but notice his annoyed expression but it's as gone as it came. Mhm.

          "So, where are we going to eat?" Zay smiles from ear-to-ear.


          "You're about ten minutes late," Maya accuses as she throws the clean red rag over her shoulder and crosses her arms. "You're never late."

          "You missed me?" I beam. "Awe, Maya," I take a step closer and rest a hand on her shoulder. "I'm warming up to you, aren't I?"

          She scowls, but her gleaming eyes say otherwise of what she's actually thinking. "You're not bad company."

         "Pish posh," I nod my head side to side, and brush shoulders with her as I make my way behind the counter of the bakery.

          I shrug off my backpack and throw it carelessly next to the stool. "You're 17, right Maya?" I ask while I get my apron from the rack and tie it naturally around my waist.

          "Yes," she responds. "Why?"

          "Well, you're seventeen. So, aren't you supposed to be in school? I don't see you around Abigail." I curiously say.

          "Oh, I'm a high school dropout." She calmly says.

          "What!" I exclaim. "Why would you do that? What were you thinking? Are you out of your mind."

          "Riles!" She laughs, her two cute dimples becoming visible. "I'm kidding."

          "Huh?" My shoulders slouch as a breath of relief escapes my lips. Instead of shouting at her for playing a cruel joke, I prevent from doing so because realization dawns on me.

          "You just called me Riles," I lift my chin up and smile widely, showing my pearly white teeth. "I am growing on you!"

          She scoffs and adjusts a hand on her hip. "Be quiet."

          I fight the urge of wanting to give her a hug and instead sigh lightly. "It's okay to love me, Peaches."

          She furrows her thick, nice eyebrows making her forehead crease into lines. "Peaches?"

          "Yes, Peaches..." I grin.

          She couldn't even hide the small smile tugging at her corners even if she tried. "Back to work."

           "You're not bad company either, Peaches."

           "Peaches? Riles?" A voice disgustingly says. "Can we please hire someone who actually has great customer service."

          Maya and I stare at each other confusedly and we become aware that neither of us said that. Our eyes travel towards the other side of the counter, and there she is.

          "The wicked witch of the west," I mutter under my breath.

          "You know, Riley. You've never really been good at whispering things," she tightens her smile as she leans forward on the brown marble and taps her nails against it.

          "Oh, no. That was for you to hear." I cynically state.

         Her face falls but a few seconds later she has that sneer back on her mouth that meets her glaring eyes.

          "I came here to talk." She forces out.

          I scoff sarcastically and cross my arms above my chest. "Missy, you and I haven't spoken for months, which quite frankly, I don't think it's enough. What do you want?"

         "Charlie broke up with me." She bluntly states.

         I can't help but feel a pompous emotion form in stomach, but I refrain from showing any kind of expression that might give her the thought that I cared.

          "And that concerns me how?"

          "Please don't act like you don't have anything to do with it." She narrows her stare and softens her voice. "The school talks, Riley. I know everything that goes on. You can't hide anything."

          I purse my lips together, and heave an irritated sigh through my nose.

          "Almost like the fact that everybody thinks that you're a fool to be hanging out with Lucas Friar. He's out of your league, Riley." Miss continues.

          I could feel my blood boil, and my hand curl up into a fist.

          "What, are you going to sleep with him too?" I snicker.

          She chuckles mockingly, knowing that she's already struck a nerve.

          "Bulldozer, are you going to order something or not? Because if you're not, I would love to introduce you to the door which I really hope hits you on the way out." Maya intervenes and she takes a step forward.

          Missy looks between Maya and I and throws us a dirty look.

          "I was just leaving." She utters, tapping the counter one last time.

          But, before she saunters out the baker, she shoots me one last threatening glance. "I find out everything and if I find out that you planned this well...I ruined your life once. Don't make me do it again."

Authors Note: What is up amazing, wonderful peeps! I am back, which I've probably said for the billionth time. Forgive yours truly, but I had a few personal issues I had to settle before continuing to write. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who's real life problems get in the way of creating a masterpiece. Because, well, I am one of those people. When I put up a chapter, I want it to be nicely written, and well thought. I don't want it to be half-assed. LOL. Sorry.

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