Girl meet consequences

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Riley wakes up the day after the party and her and Lucas are naked in her bed.
Riley's Prospective:
Oh my god did I sleep with Lucas did I have my first and did not even remember it. She noticed that Lucas was waking up so she acted like she was still sleeping.
Lucas Prospective:
When I opened my eyes I could tell that I was not in my room. I looked around and realize that I was in Riley's room and a smile came to his face he could not remember it but he know that it was with the girl he like.
No one's Prospective:
Lucas got up and got dressed but before he left he kissed Riley on the forehead
At Topanga's
Riley walked in and sat down with maya, Farkle, Smakle and Zay. She look around but no Lucas. "So Riley he Drank a lot last night" "Did I" Riley looked confused "Yeah you and Lucas were drinking a but load, were is Lucas" Zay asked. Lucas walked in with new clothes on than last night. "I am right here" Lucas said.
One of the senior boy walked up to Lucas "So did you sleep with" "What" Lucas said . Confused "I seen you leave with a girl I did not see hear face but did you sleep with her" Lucas look at Riley but she shook her head no "Yeah I did" "Wow Lucas" Zay said surprised and impressed "God freshman these day" said the senior boy and left.
At the Bay window
Riley look up at maya and blurted out "Maya it was me who slept with Lucas" Maya look up "You didn't that that I didn't know that". "How did you know because you are my best friend I know you and I also know that you need to take a pregnancy test just to make sure" "Maya no I will be fine I feel fine" "Ok but if there is some Morning sickness you are taking a test" "Deal"
                              A week later
Riley is in the bathroom puking Maya knocks on the door "Riley it is time to take a test" "Ok" Maya gives Riley the test "tell me what it says in three minutes". After three minutes go by Riley walk out crying. Maya does not asked her nothing just look's at the test in her hand and it said positive.

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