Chapter 27 First Days

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Our feet hit the floor as soon as our eyes open and we head to the boys' room. Caine and Abel our kneeling by Abel, who's curled tightly into a ball at the head of his bed, his whole body is trembling as his brothers rub his back. I rush over to the bed and sitting on it I pull him into my arms. 

"Abel." His eyes open as he throws his arms around my neck then he starts to sob gut wrenching sobs as his whole body continues to tremble. I see Liam slide back out of the room and I knew he was going to check on the girls. I continue to soothe Abel and after a time his sniffles turn into quiet snores. Soon enough we all fall back to sleep.

........ .

"Are you sure you'll be alright without us?" Ainle rolls his eyes while Caine and Abel regard me with somber expressions. Caine, of course, is the first to speak. 

"Momma, we'll be fine without you there. You can come have lunch with us, if you'd like to." I smile and kiss his forehead as I try not to think about the fact that my boys look like they are fifteen or sixteen. I glance over at Liam and Con, who are looking delicious in pajama bottoms that hang low on their hips. Neither of them give one a hint of what they're thinking. I sigh and nod my head at the boys. They grin before kissing me on the lips and going through the mirror. Once they've gone Con turns and leaves the room. Liam frowns after him as I stand up and push my hair out of my face. Giving Liam a weak smile I brush past him and head outside. I find myself sitting by the koi pond that the boys had I made me out back. I'd been sitting there a few minutes before Liam sits down beside me. I keep my eyes on the goldfish swimming in the pond as Liam speaks. 

"Aw lassie, don't worry. He'll pull his head out of 'is arse soon enough." A tear slides down my cheek as Liam starts to wrap his arm around my shoulder but I jerk back as I shake my head.  

"I can't. Liam....I'm never going enough. I'm never going to be what you guys need me to be." He grabs my shoulders and forces me the face him but I keep my eyes down as tears slide down my cheeks. He growls softly as he speaks. 

"Look at me lassie." Reluctantly I raise my eyes to meet his. Colors swirl in the depths as he struggles to fight back his beast. "Ye're enough. Ye're enough for me and for my brother 'e's a plonker." Sniffling I raise a brow. What the hell is a plonker? Liam chuckles and answers my unspoken question.

"An idiot. My brother is an idiot but I be preferring plonker." My lip trembles over the fact that he's trying to make me laugh but I won't be deterred. I can't even keep from pissing off Con and I can't watch and wait for them to leave me. Jerking away from him I leap to my feet with the intent to run, leave, hide, do anything but be here. Unfortunately, I run straight into Riki. She scowls at me and I realize she's heard my conversation. Before I can brush past her she shoves me into the koi pond.  

Shivering I sit up in the ice cold water as I glare at my bond sister. Her arms are crossed over her chest as she glares at me while Liam looks between us as if trying to decide if he should interfere. The boys stand by the door quietly watching. I sigh and push my hair out of my face as I stand but I don't say anything. I know that look and it means I'm going to hear what she wants to say whether I want to or not but it doesn't mean I have to like it. Fighting back the urge to snap at her I clench my fists as she speaks. 

"Are you going to do the favors?" I glance at Liam. His eyes meet mine as he shrugs. I look back to Riki with my heart quivering in my chest. 

"Yes." Riki grimaces and looks away from me before she speaks. 

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