Dark One

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2 months and two weeks later


I saw him again. The dark one, Zlo. He was watching me from the woods. We had moved camp a week ago. We had ten fall before we moved, one of them being Antwon's little brother. He was having a hard time coping. He wanted to be sent home for his brothers funeral, but they wouldn't let him. I told him if he went M.I.A I wouldn't tell anyone, but he didn't even know how to get home. We were across seas, and he had no money to fly.

He didn't fuck around or laugh anymore, he simply did his job and kept his mouth shut. He knew there was a possibility he'd see someone he loved die, but he didn't think it'd be his own brother.

Everyone except the guards and those that were tortured by their memories were asleep. It was harder to sneak out at this location then the last one, but he was calling me. I don't know how he did it, but it was as if I would die if I didn't get to him. He didn't move as I slowly approached him, he simply tilted his head to the side. I was being turned around by some unknown force and I was scared. I couldn't feel him move, but I could feel his hands and long nails on my back. He was tracing my scars, healing them. When he was done he turned me back around.

"What do you want?" My voice wavered, his presence was overwhelming. He had an aura of power, but surprisingly nothing about him was extremely creepy. He was about 6'5 with olive skin, strong facial features, jet black hair that fell in waves to his shoulders, and eyes that resembled the coast. He had nearly no pupil or whites to his eyes so it was hard to tell where he was looking. I wanted to touch his wings, but I knew better not to. He was nearly naked, but it didn't scream at me as it would if he were any other creature. I'm still not sure of what he is.

He didn't answer and I was starting to feel antsy. "Who are you looking for?" That caused his eyes to look up and meet mines. I felt the urge to leave, why did he want me away. He just brought me to him. I was so conflicted, what does he want?

I was back in my tent with Antwon. I didn't expect him to be awake. He simply looked at me, neither of us said anything. As I went to sleep he stayed awake. May his brother rest in peace.


Reinforcements were coming in today. It just made all of us think about those that we lost even more. Antwon was working out pushing his body to exhaustion. We all knew it was a coping mechanism, but he looked like he'd faint any minute if he continued like this. His now blonde hair was a filthy brown and his skin was calloused. He didn't look too good.

The truck with the reinforcements was approaching. Antwon and I as well as the rest of our troop waited to see who we'd get. We were all making jokes except for Antwon about how we'd get some hot babe. We didn't get a hot babe, but we did get a hunky man. He politely introduced himself to all of us. He was tall with dark skin and a perfectly white smile. He didn't look like he'd ever been in war before, but from his stories I know he has been. He even had a tattoo on his chest that he got after his first battle. We all seemed to get along with him, but Antwon didn't even look up once. I wish that I could've stopped his brother from dying.

Antwon stood up and stretched his back. When he finally looked at our reinforcement he paused. "Raldolph". Raldolph smiled and pulled Antwon into his arms.

"You were distracted when I first said my name. I've missed you." Antwon started to cry in his arms. I didn't question how they knew each other, I just hoped that this beauty would help Antwon during this war. He needed it. They went off to bathe and I wondered just how close they were.

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