Chapter 1: What the hell

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"Lilly! Are you ready? We have to go see mom before I go to work." I yelled from my bathroom, while I'm brushing my long black raven hair. I add a small amount of mascara to make my ocean blue eyes pop.

"Yes sissy. I'm coming!" Lilly screams running into our bathroom. She is like a spitting image of me. We both have black hair, but while I have ocean blue eyes, she has emerald green eyes.

I am 5'6", and 18 and Lilly is about 4'2", and 6. I know, we come from a very short family.

"Okay come on."

We walk outside and get into my mom's old ford pickup and head off to the hospital.

My mom has been in the hospital for about a month and a half now. She has kidney failure in both kidneys and is now on life support. She got put on life support about 3 days ago. And because we are poor, we can't afford the surgery that she desperately needs. She told us that she should just be taken off life support but I couldn't let her do that. She and Lilly are all that I have left. Our dad left us a couple months before Lilly was born. We don't know why, but he was always a shallow person and probably left with some girl.

We arrived at the hospital and went up to the counter. "Hello Avery and Lilly. How are you girls?" Missy asked us. We have gotten to know each other because of how much time I spend here.

"We are good. Thankyou for asking." I smiled before walking past her to see my mom.

We came across her room and I knocked before entering. "Hi girls." My mom smiled and made room for both of us to climb into her bed.

"Hi mom." I said weakly.

"Oh Avery." She soothed rubbing my back.

"It's okay sissy." Lilly smiled at me before hugging me.

"Avery. You're going to have to let me go soon. The bills will get to big." My mom tried to reason with me.

"No." I told her sternly. "Lilly and I need you. I'm not letting you go. I will pay off these bills and I will pay for that surgery you need."

"Honey. It's time."

"No!" I cried and laid my head on her shoulder. "It's not even close to that time. It will never be close to that time." I cried harder.

"Don't cry Avery." Lilly cooed rubbing my arm and looking at me with her little emerald eyes.

I wiped my tears and nodded. "You're right. I shouldn't be crying. Because mommy will get all better and she will not be going anywhere." I said determined and Lilly looked up at me proudly. "Right mommy?" I asked. I'm guessing she caught on to what I was getting at.

"Yes dear." She smiled at me and pulled me in for another hung.

We've been sitting here for about an hour and I have to leave to go to work. "I got to go mom. I love you."

"Love you too. Love you Lilly." My mom said pulling my sister in for a hug.

"Love you too mommy." Lilly held on for about a minute before walking out the door with me.










"Hello Avery." Mrs. Odell pulled me in for a hug. "How's the diner?"

I have to work 2 jobs to keep up with some of the bills. But Mrs. Odell helps me pay them. Even though I told her not too, she says she wants too and she will not take no for an answer. She's a very good friend of my mothers. Mrs. Odell is my boss here at the library and I also work at Earl's diner on Main Street.

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