Chapter 5

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I reach out for my phone as I attach my ear buds into the small plug. I click on shuffle and set the device down on the open space next to me.

We have been on the bus for about ten minutes and I'm already annoyed with all of them, so I found a small room with a couch. Sighing, I close my eyes and wait till they call me.

Being the tired person I am, I decided to get some rest for the big year ahead of me. It was peaceful for a while and I actually was dozing off, until I felt an indent on the couch next to me. I peeked with my left eye to find Niall laying his head on the top of the couch. He then looked at me, not knowing I was awake.

" Get ready for a hell of a year, Liv." He whispered. Niall reached for an ear bud. That was when I decided to scare him.

" BOO!" I screamed in his face. He screamed like a little girl on steroids.

Suddenly, Toby and Liam run in with a tooth brush and one shoe. I think it was Toby's because he only had one shoe on.

" What the hell was that?" Liam panted.

" Just Niall being a creep." I stated as I grab the bud from Niall's hand. " You're the one who screamed in my face." He said back.

" If you weren't trying to get my head phone then I would be okay with it and let you be." I stated.

" Ooh, man, never interfere Livy and her music. She gets angry like a bull." Toby explains.

" Well sorry for not knowing that, considering we've been acquaintances for one day." Niall mumbles.

" Just keep defending yourself." I pat Niall's head.

Liam grunts. " Niall, quit screaming like a girl and Liv, start acting like one."

" Do you want to be punched?" I ask. Liam raises his middle finger before exiting out of the room with Toby following close behind.

I suddenly felt the urge to eat. I got up, abandoning Niall in the room and headed to the small kitchen installed in this huge tour bus.

I checked in the fridge and found a good looking muffin just waiting for my mouth to devour. Sitting on the stool, I unravel the cover and bite into it. A few seconds later, Niall walks in and sits next to me and randomly takes chips out of his jacket.

I gave him a questioning look and he just shrugs and starts eating.

" So do you just casually carry around food in your pocket?" I ask. " Pretty much. Yeah." He says.

" I'm getting more and more information on you, Horan. I don't know if that's good or bad." I say.

" Please, getting to know me is the best thing in the world, that's for sure." He talks with a mouth fun of chips in how mouth. One spits out of his mouth and onto my cheek.

Apparently that was funny, so he just had to laugh and cue the slap he got from me. " Ow." He complains as he rubs his arm.

" Oh man up." I retort as I take a bite out of the muffin. After that we continue talking about small things until I get an idea in my head.

" Hey Niall." I stop him from talking and he looks at me questioningly.

" How good are you with pranks?" I ask mischievously.

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