"Fabric softener." Liam said not catching her scent.

Stiles looked through his dirty laundry. He held up Malia's bra.

Liam shook his head.

"Remember that this Malia." Stiles said.

Liam looked around the room for anything else to use. He looked at the pillow that Malia uses. He picked it up and sniffed it. He got her scent.

"Or you could do that." Stiles said throwing her bra back in the dirty laundry.

Lydia was downstairs waiting for them. She called Isaac and Scott to tell them what was going on since Stiles wasn't gonna do it.

Stiles drove around where Liam said to go. The ended up back at the old abandoned apartments Peter was held.

They walked in. "Yup she was here." Liam said smelling her scent all around the room.

"And Peter isnt anymore." Lydia said looking at the empty chair.

"Dammit!" Stiles yelled. They got back in the jeep and continued to follow Malia's scent. They were Derek's loft.
Malia heard doors shutting and footsteps, "someone's coming." She warned Peter.

Peter looked out the window and saw the jeep. "It's your boyfriend." Peter said.

"What?" Malia said walking over to see what he saw.

The loft door opened and Stiles, Lydia and Liam walked in.

Malia turned her head to see them.

"Malia why are you here with him?" Stiles asked.

"She missed her father Stiles." Peter said enjoying the look of hatred on his face.

"Mal let's go. Please." Lydia said walking to take her hand.

Malia quickly pulled her hand away, "No. Like I told Stiles. I'm with someone who won't care what I do." Malia said backing away from them.

"Malia can we talk. Then you'll know what happened." Stiles said.

"There is nothing to talk about Stiles. You kissed Lydia. The one you loved since the third grade." Malia said ignoring her feelings.

"Wait you cheated?" Peter asked enjoying the soap opera going on.

Stiles ignored him, "But I don't love her Malia. I love you."

"Oh it really shows. You kissed her twice in the time we've been together." Malia said.

"Seriously where's the popcorn?" Peter said enjoying every minute of this.

"What about you and Isaac?" Stiles said bringing up his theory.

"What about me and Isaac?" Malia asked confused.

"I know you're fooling around with him." Stiles said.

"What?!" Malia said can't believing what she heard.

"You change study partners, you stay at his house, you came to school late with him." Stiles said listing reasons.

"You wanna know why I've been acting like that?" Malia raised her voice getting closer to him. "Because I was insecure! Because I thought you still had feelings for my best friend! I was right! He was there for me. He was my friend. You were nowhere to be found. Wait no you were with Lydia." Malia said explaining herself.

"Malia that kiss meant nothing! He was having an anxiety attack. I stopped it." Lydia said. "Please you're my best friend. I would never hurt you intentionally."

"But you did. Twice." Malia said.

Liam stood there feeling really out of place. He heard multiple footsteps running toward them. It was Scott and Isaac. They were running so fast they could barely brake in time to reach the door.

"Mal what are you doing?" Isaac asked seeing her on the same side as Peter.

"Why is he here?" Stiles asked annoyed.

"Lydia called us. I'm surprised you didn't." Scott said.

"You guys can leave. I'm gonna be with Peter." Malia said.

"W-why? After he left you to die at your mothers hands." Isaac said getting closer to her.

"Isaac just leave please. Everyone just leave." Malia said feeling guilty.

"No. Not until you leave with us." Stiles said.

"I'm not doing that. I'm going with him whether you like or not." Malia said now standing standing side by side next to Peter.

"Mal just come home please." Stiles begged.

"I don't have a home anymore."

Well here's another chapter for you passionate readers! All I'm gonna say is Have hope for Stalia. You never know love works in mysterious ways. Comment what you think and where you think Malia and Peter are going.💞

Stalia||It's ProgressOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant