*Chapter 1*

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After all these years of planning and making sure everything is ready, I can finally achieve my dreams.

"Aahh...I can't wait to go to Korea~" I said with an exciting smile. An hour before I fly to Korea, I started roaming around the airport searching if I can buy something interesting for a friend of mine in Korea. Oh and did I tell you that I was flying from UAE..? Now you know >:3

As I was looking around in a store, I found the perfect gift for my friend. But as I was about to take it, someone took hold of it too... Ofcourse I would've just let the other person take it but this is for my friend. No. My twin. So I politely asked the person if I can take it. Hopefully he answers the way I want the person to...

" I also need it, it's for my brother back in Korea". Disappointingly hearing that answer, I asked again if I can have it. Thankfully, he gave it to me and told me to take care of it.

"I'm sorry what? Why?"

" Just do so."

I looked at him weirdly and quickly walked to the counter to pay for it. But as I was about to give the money, that person just unexpectedly turned me around. Face to face. And leaned closer to my face God knows what he was gonna do and suddenly whispers to me:-
" See you."

I quickly pushed him away and tried to slap him but he avoided it quickly.
" What a weird guy... Kinda annoying though".

Even after all those things happened, I was still as excited as I was earlier. Maybe even more.

I was on my way to my flight gate and.. Gawd.. I just saw the guy from earlier entering the same gate to where I was suppose to go. I just really don't wanna end up sitting next to him in the plane.



Yoooooooooo this is my first ever fanfic and story I've ever written so I hope this story will make you cringe, laugh, cry, and love he story at the same time. Okay maybe not at the same time but you get me :3 I'll try to post the next chapter as early as I can <3 -T

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