Ch. 17: Confusion and Trouble

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"How did you know I made this in my first year?"

Takahashi began to feel suspicious, Nagisa can't answer the question, as he doesn't know how.

All he knows that he was pretty sure that he had seen that sketch before, or even seen how it was created, but he don't know how did he know.

"Nagisa-kun?" Takahashi asked as she noticed that Nagisa's expression changes drastically.

"... A girl that I happen to meet on a train 2 years ago... She made an exact sketch... Just like this..."

Takahashi's expression somewhat when horror, While Nagisa was still surprised, he reached his palms out to Takahashi's shoulder, "Takahashi---"

"No! Get off me!"

Now they both had a similar expression, the expression of confuse and somewhat fear, the sketchbook fell down the stone stair, hitting the ground as it makes a noise, but that noise doesn't even make them surprised.

They are somewhat really shocked, began feeling uncomfortable with the silent, Takahashi started speaking, "... A while ago..."

"... The memories of my past came back to me through dreams..."

"... They said the more I fell unconscious, some parts of my memories will be forgotten..."

"... Though, The incident... never been gone from my head, I can't remember more than one year back right now, unless, there's something that can links me back to that event..."

"I found this sketchbook on my shelf few months ago... And it seems that most of the parts were still empty, so, I decided to fill it out..."

"However, I noticed that sketch was made two years ago... As the creator write the date... I wasn't sure that was mine until I asked my mother, that's why I said I don't remember..."

Nagisa was shocked, he couldn't believe his ears, Nagisa had a question, thousands of them in his head, he thought that he would wait for the right time to ask, but now is definitely not the right time.

"Hey, Takahashi-san?"


"C-Can you remember... your own name..?"

Takahashi went horror for a second.

"W-What do you mean? O-Of course I can!"

"Then, tell me, your real name." Nagisa answered with a really serious expression.

"What? Is saying my name gonna do anything? Is that supposed to help our situation right now?" Takahashi answered.

The two went silent, for quiet a while, the sound of the wind sweeping the dead leaves probably became the most annoying noise for this situation.

"... How does this turned into a problem?" Takahashi spoked after a few good minutes.

"A-A while ago, we were having fun taking a look at this book, and then, after that everything went dead silent, Is that how my life supposed to work? Happy after sad, and sad after happy?"

Nagisa put his head up, "Sorry, I was being rude... I just want to find out... For..."

"For what?"

All of the sudden, a voice cuts Nagisa's word.

"Ah, There you are" The voice said as it was getting closer, Nagisa seems a bit shocked, Takahashi started tilting her head every direction.

The owner of the voice appeared clearly in their eyes as soon as he was getting closer, it was the last person Takahashi ever wanted to see.

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