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Roman's POV

I woke up the next day feeling more refreshed, but that sinking feeling appeared in my stomach again when I looked at my shoulder to see the mark still there, proving that I hadn't been dreaming. I picked up a note on my nightstand left by Neo.

Try to take it easy today. Don't overwork yourself, and do your best to figure out this mess. I'll keep Cinder and her associates off your back for now.


I breathed out in relief; Neo really was a blessing at times. I got dressed and grabbed my weapon before locking my apartment behind me. I needed to get in touch with Red, and one of my friends knew everyone in Vale. Around noon, I made my way into Junior's club, nodding at the men who worked for him. Seating myself on my usual stool at the end of the bar, I waited for Junior to finish helping some customers before he made his way towards me. He slid a shot of whiskey towards me which I downed in a gulp before giving the glass back to him. 

"So what do you need me to bail you out of this time?" he raised an eyebrow at me. 

I raised one back at him,"Do you seriously think I'm in trouble every time I come here?" 

"Yes," was the blunt reply that came back.

"Well I don't need to be bailed out of anything this time. But I do need information," I lit up a cigar, only to have it snatched from my lips. 

"No smoking in here," Junior looked at me sternly. 

I rolled my eyes,"Yes mom." 

"And cut down the sass." 

"Yes mom." 

He shook his head at me,"So what kind of information do you need?" 

I slid my scroll to him,"Can you find me the scroll number of this kid?" J

unior looked at me seriously,"Look Roman I know you've stooped pretty low in the criminal underworld but if you think I'm going to help you add pedophilia and sexual assault of a minor to your long list of crimes, count me out!"

I put the tips of my gloved fingers to my temple, rubbing slightly,"Do you really think I would go that low? I can't exactly tell you in the public area of your bar but I can tell you in private." 

Junior sighed and led me to one of his private rooms in the back of the club. Once the door was locked, I started taking off my clothes. "Woah woah what are you doing Roman?!" Junior half-shrieked. 

I gave him a glare,"I'm showing you why I need Red's scroll number." I unbuttoned my dress shirt and slid the right half off, revealing the soul mark on my shoulder. 

Junior stared at my shoulder,"You know, I'd be laughing at the irony if you weren't so liable to getting your head chopped off."

"Yes, lovely," I grumbled as I put my clothes back on. 

Junior sighed again,"Well I'll help you get the info, but if Blondie trashes my club again, I'm pinning the blame on you." 

"Blondie? She knows Red?" 

"Yeah, she's Red's older sister. I swear she's the most terrifying woman I've ever met." 

"Oh wonderful," I mumbled. 

"I'll get you your info but don't be stupid about this," Junior told me. 

"Yes mom."

Ruby's POV

It was initiation day, and thankfully the nurse had deemed me fit for combat so I had been let out of the infirmary. Currently I was next to my locker, inspecting Crescent Rose. As two other students passed by, the girl going on about something while the boy listened patiently, a soft smile gracing his features, I finished checking my weapon. 

"Wonder what those two were so worked up about," I mumbled to Yang. 

"Oh, who knows...So, you seem awfully chipper this morning!" Yang grinned at me. 

"Yep! No more awkward small talk or getting to know you stuff. Or soulmate nonsense," I muttered the last part quietly, before perking up again,"Today I get to let my sweetheart do the talking." I cuddled my closed weapon before Yang started doing her motherly thing again. 

"Well, remember Ruby, you're not the only one going through initiation. If you want to grow up, you're going to have to meet new people and learn to work together."

"Ughhh you sound like dad!" I growled at her,"Okay first of all what does meeting new people have to do with fighting?" I put Crescent Rose in my locker before turning around towards Yang again,"And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up. I drink milk!" 

"But what about when we form teams?" she reminded me. 

"Uhh...I don't know, I'll just be on your team or something..." I pouted.

"Maaaybe you should try being on someone else's team?" Yang started playing with her hair nervously. 

I poked a finger at her,"My dearest sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be on the same team as me?" Yang stuttered nervously while I raised an eyebrow at her, crossing my arms.

Time Skip

"And finally, Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, and Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY, led by Ruby Rose!" Ozpin announced. 

My eyes widened in shock and happiness. Led by? This is a dream come true! 

"I'm so proud of you!" Yang squealed, giving me a bear hug.

Roman's POV

My mark glowed under my clothes, and a warm tingling feeling spread across my chest. I stopped short on the way back to my apartment, and for the first time in years, gave a genuine smile. "Well Red, it seems like you've had some good things happen to you," I whispered. As I walked into my apartment, my scroll went off with a chime.

I found your info. Turns out it was a lot easier than I thought, I just needed a contact to do some quick hacking. Come pick it up tomorrow.

Thanks Junior. I can always count on you.

I stretched and hung up my coat. Lighting another cigar, I hummed a sweet tune as I strode down the hallway towards my room. Another message pinged from my scroll, this time from Neo.

I didn't expect to see you so happy. Did your latest heist go well?

"Neo, come out of wherever you're hiding," I sighed. With a small shatter, Neo appeared on my balcony, daintily perched with her parasol open. She raised an eyebrow, urging me to answer her question. "For your information, yes the heist went well but I'm happy because Red's happy." She tilted her head at me before typing on her scroll. I looked at the screen of my own as a new message popped up.

You're happy because someone else is happy. Who are you and what have you done with Roman?

I chuckled before shaking my head at her. "I guess getting a soulmark does things to people," I half-smirked.

This is why I'm happy I haven't gotten my soulmark.

Updated November 30, 2019; 5:17am.

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